Seeing Li Qiaomu who came back from outside the village, the third siblings called out to her in unison, "Aunt Three."

Li Qiaomu hugged the little boy who was running towards her, "Little devil, what are you doing running so fast, if you fall and hurt your leg, don't cry to Third Aunt."

Jian Qingyun hugged her neck and giggled, her bright eyes rolled around and said, "I don't cry, Xiaoyun is good, I don't know how to cry."

Seeing how cute he is, Li Qiaomu gently pinched his little nose lovingly.

After playing for a while, Li Qiaomu looked at the two sisters who were smiling at them.

"I remember it's school time now, why didn't you go to school?" She looked at the two sisters and asked.

Da Ya blushed, "My brother is not feeling well today, and my parents are busy again, so I asked the school for a day off."

After listening to Da Ya's explanation, Li Qiaomu raised his eyebrows, and looked at Er Ya again.

Seeing this, Erya had no choice but to let her out to preach, "I also took a day off to accompany my brother."

Li Qiaomu looked at the little guy who was pulling his hair, and helplessly pinched his chubby little face.

Jian Qingyun thought that the third aunt was playing with her, the little guy giggled and held her hand with his chubby hands.

After playing with him for a while, Li Qiaomu put him off his body, and finally patted his little butt, "Okay, let's go play next to him."

Jian Qingyun was quite obedient, he obediently went to the side to play in the sand by himself.

Li Qiaomu stopped the two sisters who were about to go to play with their brother.

"Come here, Third Aunt will talk to you."

Seeing this, the two sisters had no choice but to fall back and stand in front of her obediently.

Li Qiaomu looked at the two sisters, wondering if it was because of the education methods of the second brother Jian and his wife or something, the two sisters almost loved Jian Qingyun, the younger brother, so much.

If they don't stop it, it is estimated that these two sisters may become the so-called helper demons in later generations.

"Did your parents request you to ask for leave, or did you decide on your own?" She sat down first, then pointed to the empty seat next to her, motioning for the two sisters to sit down and chat.

The two sisters sat down according to her words, and when they heard her question, the two sisters glanced at each other, and finally the eldest girl answered first, "It's our decision."

"Then your parents didn't stop you from asking for leave to accompany your brother?" Li Qiaomu continued to ask with a smile.

The two sisters shook their heads.

"My parents and my sister just let me and my sister do whatever they want. My mother said that if we don't like studying, let my sister and I go to work outside. If we earn money, we will send it home and save it for my brother to marry a wife and Build big houses."

Li Qiaomu's heart ached when he heard Er Ya's expression when he said this. When the two brothers and sisters talked about this, they didn't have any sadness on their faces, on the contrary they seemed quite happy.

"Your mother said so, do you two sisters agree with your mother's idea?" She looked at their two siblings distressedly and asked.

The two sisters were startled, then smiled at the same time, and rushed to answer at the same time, "I agree."

The big girl smiled and said again, "My younger brother is the only boy in my family. After my elder sister and I get married, we will have to rely on my younger brother to support us. When my younger brother is well, we will be fine in our natal family."

Looking at their two smiling faces full of hope, Li Qiaomu really didn't know what to say to them.

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