"Third Aunt knows that you love your younger brother, and Third Aunt also loves him, but I think you don't have to put all your love on your younger brother, you can also love yourself more. Only you can love yourself in this world Have the opportunity to love others, understand?" Li Qiaomu tried to explain the principles of life to them.

After finishing speaking, she stared at the two sisters earnestly, hoping to see a little understanding of what she said on their faces, but unfortunately she was doomed to be disappointed, the two sisters looked like they didn't understand what she said. .

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu had no choice but to give up temporarily, "Okay, I didn't understand it if I didn't understand it. When I have time later, Third Aunt will tell you slowly, do you want to go back with Third Aunt?"

"No, there are bad people at home." At this moment, Jian Qingyun, who was playing on the side, suddenly raised his head and said this.

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he turned his head and asked him funny, "Xiaoyun, do you know what a bad guy is?"

"I know, bad guy, it's very noisy, it's annoying." The four-year-old stuttered a little.

Li Qiaomu couldn't understand what the little guy was trying to express, so he turned to look at the two sisters.

Da Ya had no choice but to whisper, "It's Uncle, Uncle came to see my dad, and he is still at my house now."

When Li Qiaomu heard that it was Brother Jian, he just frowned and didn't ask any questions. Before leaving, he said to the two sisters, "Call your parents, your mother, and your third sister and brother over to the third aunt's house for dinner tonight. , Tell your mother not to cook."

When the three siblings heard this, they showed a happy smile.

Especially Jian Qingyun, who was the youngest, jumped up happily and shouted, "Okay, that's great, I can go to my third aunt's house for dinner again."

Li Qiaomu smiled and watched him wander around in place.

After separating from the three siblings, Li Qiaomu slowed down a little when he passed Second Brother Jian's house, and he really heard Brother Jian's voice in the house.

But because the door was closed, she could only hear some voices, but she couldn't hear what was said inside.

Without stopping at the door, Li Qiaomu quickly walked towards Xin Jian's house.

I met some villagers in the village on the road and greeted her warmly one by one.

Li Qiaomu also stopped and talked to them for a while before going back.

When I really returned to Xinjian's house, it was time to make lunch.

Forget about drinking water, thinking about the children coming back from school for dinner, she immediately threw herself into cooking and washing vegetables.

She had just cooked, and the children came home from school.

Li Qiaomu told them to wash their hands and have dinner later.

After a while, she watched a few of them wash their hands, and then she was ready to turn around and go to the kitchen to continue making food.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Da Ya and his three siblings standing at the door of their house looking around.

Li Qiaomu smiled and walked towards the three siblings.

After all, Da Ya and Er Ya are old and know what to be embarrassed about, so when the two sisters saw Li Qiaomu approaching, they blushed and called out to her, "Third Aunt."

Just as the two sisters shouted, Jian Qingyun, who had been dragged away by them and refused to let them in, took the opportunity to shake off the hands of the two sisters, and ran towards Li Qiaomu, hugging her legs with a sweet mouth She yelled, "Aunt San, your house smells so good."

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