Chapter 905 Are You Deaf?

"That's not it, Brunei has come to the end of all hardships, and it's his fate."

Mrs. Jian listened angrily to the words of the old guys around her. When she listened to these words, these words seemed to sprinkle salt on her heart, and it hurt her to death.

"The third son is an unfilial son. He didn't know how to take me with his father when he went to Beijing to play. I knew he was so unfilial. When I gave birth to him, I should have thrown him into the urine bucket."

The big guys understand her complaints like a mirror in their hearts, so now when they hear Mrs. Jian's dissatisfaction, they all keep their mouths shut and don't say anything, just look at her like they are looking at a fool.

After scolding for a long time, Mrs. Jian saw that the people around her didn't agree with her, so she stopped scolding her third son, and looked up at the old guys around her, only to realize that they were holding something like a watch Looking at him with eyes like a fool's, he immediately pissed off Mrs. Jian to death.

So she stopped scolding, and hurried back to Old Jane's house with heavy steps.

As soon as she left, voices of voices resounded in the quiet old crowd.

"According to me, Mrs. Jane deserved it. When she saw Haotian's leg was injured, she probably thought that her son was going to be disabled, so she drove Haotian's family back. Later, the third child found out A family is prosperous, and now it regrets it."

"I think she and Old Jane deserve what she deserves. They regard Boss Jane's muddy son as a treasure, and drive away the filial sons of the second and third sons. I think the eyes of the couple are not very good. .”

If Mrs. Jian was here at this time, she would be so angry that she heard what they said.

But now she was going to be so angry that when she walked to Xinjian's house, she saw the closed door of Xinjian's house, and she immediately had a taste of rust in her mouth.

She hastened her pace and ran towards old Jane's house.

As soon as she got home, Mrs. Jian pushed open the door of her house, and scared the old man who was feeding chickens in the yard to death.

"I said, you old woman, you just chat when you go out to chat, and I don't care about you at home, and you will lock the door of your house when you come back. You can't think about it, can you?" Old man Jian looked at the chickens that had been scattered. Ducks, with an angry face, yelled at the wife who came over.

Mrs. Jian sat hard on the empty chair beside him, and then complained to him about the disobedience of the youngest couple.

"You didn't see that the third couple left the village in a car. I found out after I inquired with the villagers that they were taking people to Beijing for a trip. Listen, everyone in the village Knowing this, we don’t know what they are doing without telling us.”

Old man Jian was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then continued to call for chicken to eat rice as if he had no expression on his face.

Mrs. Jian saw that she had said so much, but the old man in front of her didn't move at all, so she looked at him and scolded, "Old man, are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I just said? His father-in-law, mother-in-law and that guy from Brunei went to Beijing for a trip together."

"He just doesn't take us to be parents. He is not filial. I knew he would be such a white-eyed wolf. I shouldn't have given birth to him." The more she talked, the more angry she became. The top of my head is about to smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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