Chapter 906 So Comfortable

"Okay, don't say these things anymore, because you keep saying such things, the third child and the others will ignore you, I think you should say less with your mouth in the future." Old man Jian heard this, Wrinkling a pair of displeased old eyebrows, he looked at his wife and warned.

How could the old lady Jian, who was in a rage at this time, listen to his words, now she could only feel relieved by scolding the unfilial son, the third child, to the point of bleeding.

The old man Jian who was feeding the chicken suddenly felt a little dizzy at this moment, and the plate he was holding to feed the chicken fell to the ground, and he sat down on the ground all of a sudden.

The old lady Jian who scolded Zhengshuang was taken aback by her wife's appearance, and quickly squatted down to support him and asked, "My wife, are you okay, don't scare me, what's wrong with you?"

Old man Jian shook his head and muttered, "It's okay, I don't know what's going on recently, I feel dizzy from time to time."

When Mrs. Jian heard this, she felt very nervous. She grabbed his arm and said, "Then let's go to the hospital for a checkup."

Old man Jian waved his hand, "Which hospital are we going to? Where do we have money to go to the hospital? Let's keep the little money left for our daily life."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Jian's eyes immediately turned red, and she said with self-blame, "Old man, it's all my fault. If I had listened to your advice and didn't participate in that investment, we wouldn't be out of money now."

"Okay, these things are over, and I don't blame you, but you really need to change your temper, don't scold the third child at every turn, the third child and the second child treat us as parents That's good enough, and we broke their hearts with all the stupid things we did."

Old Mrs. Jian opened her mouth. At this moment, she saw Old Man Jian's ugly face, so she finally nodded and agreed, "I see, can I stop scolding?"

Jian Haotian and Li Qiaomu, who had left the province at this time, did not know what was happening at home.

Because it was the first time to travel, the three old people were very curious about the things and scenery on the roadside.

In order to satisfy the curiosity of the three old people, Li Qiaomu would stop at a new place every time he passed by, and then take a few old people and children to have a good day.

In this way, the people in the two cars stopped and stopped along the way, and they could have arrived in the capital city in a few days, but it took them a week to reach their destination.

After entering Beijing, not only the old people were full of curiosity, but even the three children were looking at the scenery of Beijing through the car window.

Since it was already night when they came, in order to let the family have a good travel experience, the young couple spent a little money to book a nice hotel here in Beijing.

After getting the room card, the young couple settled the children and the elderly first, and then it was their turn.

By the time the couple returned to their own room, it was already half an hour.

Looking at the big soft bed in the room, Li Qiaomu threw down the luggage in his hands and ran over happily and jumped on it. He hugged one of the pillows tightly with both hands, buried his face in the pillow, and suddenly felt relaxed all over his body. Quite a few.

Jian Haotian, who was following behind with two big luggages, saw this lovely daughter-in-law, his eyes were full of doting smiles.

"Would you like to take a shower first, it might be more comfortable this way." After putting away the luggage, Jian Haotian turned his head and looked at the drowsy daughter-in-law lying on the bed. He sat down in front of her and reminded her .

(End of this chapter)

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