Chapter 907
Li Qiaomu, who was about to fall asleep, woke up leisurely after hearing his reminder, but still felt that his eyelids seemed to be heavy.

At this moment, her gaze locked on the man sitting beside her and watching her, and a bold idea flashed through her mind.

"I want you to take me to take a bath." After saying this, she felt as if her cheeks on both sides were being roasted by fire. It was so hot that she buried her face in his chest embarrassingly. hide.

All of a sudden, Ruanxiang rushed into his arms, and Jian Haotian hugged the embarrassed daughter-in-law tightly in his arms in surprise and joy.

"Daughter-in-law, I didn't hear clearly what you just said. Say it again and I'll listen." He smiled and put his mouth next to her ear and whispered.

Li Qiaomu felt that his ears were also burning, and quickly waved the sexy lips talking in his ear, "Don't talk in my ear, it's so itchy."

Jian Haotian listened to the coquettish words floating in his arms, and the corners of his mouth were raised high. At this moment, instead of moving his lips away, he even bit her earlobe lightly, "What about this?" , still itchy?"

Li Qiaomu jumped out of his arms with a look of shock from his sudden appearance, and looked at him with eyes like a lost deer.

Jian Haotian looked at her with such a cute look, and smiled in a low voice, and finally stopped the joke after seeing her tired face.

The next second, he jumped into the air and hugged her up.

Li Qiaomu wrapped his arms tightly around his neck in fright, and stared at him with an innocent look after being frightened.

"Didn't you just tell me to take you to the shower? I'm performing a task now." Seeing her staring at him, he lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

Li Qiaomu blushed, and lightly hammered his chest, "Didn't you just say that you didn't hear clearly, I see you can hear clearly now."

Jian Haotian coughed lightly, and explained with a guilty conscience, "I just thought of it."

Hearing his explanation, Li Qiaomu rolled his eyes at him in disbelief.

Before she finished despising him, they had already come to the bathroom in this room.

At this time, the eyes of the two people saw the large bathtub in this bathroom at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the two looked elsewhere at the same time, but they just didn't look at this big bathtub.

After a while, there was finally another sound in the bathroom that had been quiet for a long time.

Jian Haotian said to the daughter-in-law in his arms with a hoarse voice, "Let me put hot water for you, take a good bath."

Li Qiaomu didn't dare to say anything now, he always felt that if she said something here, some image that would make people blush and heartbeat would float in his mind.

Jian Haotian looked at his blushing daughter-in-law, with the corners of his mouth raised, and when he went to put the bath water, he was reluctant to put her down and hugged her all the time.

After putting away the bath water, Li Qiaomu quickly moved a few steps towards him as soon as she put him down, guarding him like a thief.

"I'm going to take a shower, you go out." She blushed and told him.

Jian Haotian looked at her and smiled, "Daughter-in-law, do you know what it means to tear down bridges?"

Li Qiaomu raised his eyebrows and looked at him, and then heard him say again in the next second, "I just put the bath water for you, and you kicked me out. Isn't this crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

(End of this chapter)

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