Brother Jian looked at the third brother standing at the door with a surprised expression, and shouted, "It's you."

Immediately afterwards, he immediately thought that he was at odds with this third brother, and hadn't had any contact with him for several years. Now, what right does this person have to come here and kick the door of his house.

"Jian Haotian, what are you doing? Don't think that you can just kick people's doors at will if you become the director. It can't be done either."

Jian Haotian looked at his face, sneered, didn't say much on his face, and kicked him in the stomach directly.

Brother Jian, who has always been useless, did not expect that the third brother would be so cruel to him. Before he could scream, he was kicked into the room for several meters.

Brother Jian was in so much pain that he couldn't get up for a long time, his face was blue and white, and he groaned in pain while holding his belly.

When Jian Haotian walked in with a sullen face, the woman who was lying in the room just came out of the room. When the woman saw what happened in the hall, she hugged her head in fright and yelled, and rushed out with a bag.

Brother Jian looked at the woman he had finally seduced with a look of reluctance and was scared away like this. He didn't care about the pain anymore, he got up with difficulty, and shouted at the back of her running away, "Xiaolan, Xiaolan , don’t go, didn’t you say you would stay by my side forever.”

Unfortunately, no matter how much he yelled, the woman who ran out didn't even give him a look back, and ran downstairs without stopping.

Brother Jian watched her back disappear into the detour, and yelled at Jian Haotian with a livid face, "Third brother, what the hell are you going to do? What do you want to do when you come to my house?"

Jian Haotian stepped forward and grabbed his collar, looked at him coldly and asked, "My dear brother, what did you do with my name back then, do you remember?"

Brother Jian replied without thinking, "What did I do? I used your name to do something good. I didn't do anything at all. Don't make mistakes."

Seeing him like this, Jian Haotian probably hasn't remembered this matter yet, so he slowly whispered a name in his ear.

All of a sudden, after hearing this name, Brother Jian, who had been very stubborn just now, sat on the ground as if he had seen a ghost, not daring to move.

! !
"You, what are you talking about, I, I don't know this woman at all, don't accuse me of any crimes, I won't admit it." Brother Jian tried his best to defend himself.

Jian Haotian's anger was about to come out of his mouth at this time, he had already thought about it on the way here, if his elder brother would obediently admit this matter, and if there was a sign of turning around, he might I'll take it easy.

But now it seems that his big brother doesn't want the opportunity he gave him.

"Okay, okay, my dear brother, I originally wanted to give you a chance to reform yourselves, but now it seems that you don't want this opportunity I gave you." No matter how you look at it, it's scary.

Brother Jian looked at this strange third brother, feeling very nervous, and the two rows of teeth in his mouth began to tremble in fright.

"Third brother, you, don't scare me. If you have something to say, don't hit anyone. You are the head of the bureau. If you hit someone casually, be careful that your position is unstable."

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