Jian Haotian stared at him coldly and said, "What's wrong with me beating my own elder brother?"

"Ah, no, third brother, you can't hit me, I'm your elder brother, me." Before he finished speaking, he was hit on the face and body by a fist again and again.

The pain that hit him made him never want to recall it in his life.

Jian Haotian didn't know how many hits he had hit, all he knew was that when he stopped, his hitting hand was a little sore.

"I'll give you another chance now. Tell me if you know the owner named Mo Xiaonan, and what you did to her. Tell me everything. If there is a false sentence, I will I will hit you ten times and return it, I will do what I say."

Brother Jian didn't have any marks of being beaten on his face at this time, but he was in pain all over his body, as if all the bones in his body were misplaced, and he felt like his body was going to be broken in two when he moved.

At this moment, he really didn't dare to deal casually with the terrifying third brother in front of him.

Now he finally realized that every word the third brother said was not to scare his elder brother, he really knew how to do it.

Thinking of this terrible fact, Brother Jian obediently told all the things he had done at this time.

Twenty or ten minutes later, Brother Jian said with a face that was uglier than crying, "Third Brother, I have told you everything I have done and known, and you are satisfied now, can you start from now on?" I'm out of the house, I want to take a rest."

Jian Haotian thought that the things he knew before were enough to make him angry, but he didn't expect that after hearing what his elder brother said, the things he knew before were nothing compared to what he knew now .

"Brother, the most unlucky thing in my life is that I lived in the same house as you. Why did I have the same mother as you? I feel ashamed to have such a relationship with someone like you." .”

Brother Jian, who was bowing his head, heard his words, and immediately raised his head excitedly, "Jian Haotian, what do you mean by these words? Are you looking down on me as a big brother? What's the matter? Is it embarrassing to be the big brother, it's a pity, this is the fact, I am your big brother, and you can't change the fact even if you want to."

"The things I did were despicable. If you hadn't cheated on the third sibling and hooked up with other women outside, how could I have the opportunity to deceive others, and if they were deceived by me, it was also your fault, and you are also the culprit One of the culprits.”

Jian Hao clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth, grabbed his collar again and started beating him again.

Soon, brother Jian's screams like killing a pig came from the room.

After the sound rang for more than ten minutes, Jian Haotian dragged Brother Jian out of the house like a dead pig, and when he came downstairs, he threw him into the car and drove to the car. Drive in the direction of the provincial capital hospital.

In the provincial capital hospital, Li Qiaomu followed Jian's second brother and came here to see old man Jian.

In the hospital ward, Mrs. Jian looked haggard and took care of old man Jian on the hospital bed.

"Old man, how do you feel now? Is there any discomfort? Don't worry about anything. If something happens to you, let me live alone in the future." What happened these days is true. It frightened her.

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