Chapter 921 The situation is bad
Brother Jian quickly raised his head and explained, "Dad, look at what you said. I'm your own son. How can you curse me as your own son? I haven't come to see you these days because I'm really busy."

"Yes, when I was so busy looking for him, he was staying in the room with a woman." Jian Haotian raised his eyebrows and said with a mocking face.

Brother Jian's face turned blue and red immediately, and he stared at Jian Haotian, the third brother, like gnashing his teeth.

After listening to the third son's complaint, old man Jian looked at the eldest son again as if his heart was ashamed.

When Brother Jian saw his father staring at him like this, he also became afraid in his heart, and hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to say another word, for fear that the more he said, the more wrong he would be.

"You heard it now, the eldest son we have loved for a lifetime is this kind of person. I advise you that if you still want to spend your old age peacefully, you should pretend that you have never had this eldest son in the future." Old man Jian looked at Old Jian with a gloomy expression. too over here.

Mrs. Jian opened her heels, glanced at her eldest son who was silent, and then at her wife lying on the hospital bed. She didn't know what to do for a while.

Jian Haotian walked up to old man Jian at this time, "Dad, how do you feel now?"

"I'm fine, but I don't feel comfortable living here. Go and talk to the doctor, can you let me go home and live here." Old man Jian looked at his third son and said.

Jian Haotian didn't agree to him immediately, but preached, "I'll discuss it with the doctor first, and if the doctor agrees, we'll go home."

"Okay, okay, you go to the doctor quickly." Jian Di, who didn't want to stay here for a moment, quickly pushed him away.

Seeing this, Jian Haotian glanced at Second Brother Jian.

The second brother Jian nodded, and told him with his eyes that he would leave this place to himself.

Before leaving, Jian Haotian took his wife's hand and left the ward.

Seeing the backs of the couple holding hands and leaving, Mrs. Jian felt uncomfortable, and turned her head to complain to Mrs. Jian, "Old man, did you see that brat drags his good boy even when he goes out?" Daughter-in-law, as if he was afraid that we would eat his daughter-in-law."

"He doesn't even look at what his daughter-in-law looks like. Such a fierce woman, can we eat her? She should eat us."

At this time, old man Jian felt that his whole body was in pain, as if his internal organs were about to be dislocated.

Coupled with the fact that his wife has been talking non-stop in his ear now, his whole body hurts even more.

"That's enough for you. If you continue to behave like this and don't know how to repent, after I die, you can go back to your mother's house to live by yourself, and don't cause trouble for the second and third children." Old man Jane endured the pain in his body and faced Mrs. Jane scolded loudly.

Mrs. Jian was frightened by his words, and shouted at him with a look of fear, "Old man."

At this time, old man Jian didn't want to talk to this unreasonable wife, closed his eyes, and didn't want to worry about anything.

At the same time, after the young couple came out of the ward, Jian Haotian took her by the hand to find the attending doctor who treated the old man Jian.

As soon as he sat down, Jian Haotian asked the doctor about the situation of old man Jian.

"You are his family members, right? You came just in time, and the result just came out. You have to be mentally prepared, the situation is not very good." The doctor pushed down the glasses on his face and said to the young couple.

Jian Haotian immediately clenched his daughter-in-law's hand on his lap, and opened his mouth. The words in his mouth seemed to be stuck in his mouth, and he couldn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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