Chapter 922 Discharge
Li Qiaomu, who was sitting next to him, quickly sensed his strangeness, so he took the initiative to ask the doctor about the next illness on his behalf.

"Doctor, can you explain clearly, what's wrong with my father-in-law?"

"According to the report, the result is that the patient has liver cancer, and the possibility of cure is very low. I suggest that you serve the patient with delicious food and drink." The doctor announced the result with regret.

"Liver cancer? Doctor, could it be a mistake? How is it possible?" At this moment, Jian Hao regained his voice and asked with clenched fists.

The doctor is usually used to seeing these scenes here, and continued to speak calmly, "This is what the report shows, and we also hope that the result is wrong, but the report is right, and this cannot be wrong."

Next, the three of them discussed in the office for half an hour before the young couple came out.

Li Qiaomu looked at the silent Jian Haotian worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Hearing his wife's voice, Jian Haotian slowly came back to his senses, and suddenly remembered what the doctor said just now.

His father is going to die!

"Daughter-in-law, I really hated him for loving my elder brother so much and treating me and my second elder brother like an outsider, but now hearing that he is going to die, I still can't help but feel uncomfortable."

Li Qiaomu hugged him gently, "I know, it's your father after all, I understand, if you want to cry, just hug me and cry for a while, I won't laugh at you."

Jian Haotian, who was feeling sad, couldn't help laughing when he heard her comforting words.

"Daughter-in-law, don't make me laugh, I really can't laugh now." He told her with an aggrieved face.

Li Qiaomu was even more aggrieved at this time, "I didn't make you laugh, I was comforting you, didn't you see that?"

"It's not obvious." He replied with a smile.

Li Qiao pushed him away angrily, "That's enough, the demands are so high, let's feel bad." After speaking, he strode towards the ward with a smile on his lips.

Jian Haotian looked at his daughter-in-law's back as she walked away, and the corners of his mouth curled up. At this moment, he seemed to feel that his desperate heart seemed to come alive again.

The young couple entered the ward one after the other.

Seeing the couple walking in, old man Jian looked at his third son anxiously and asked, "Son, what did the doctor say, did he agree to let me go out of the hospital?"

Jian Haotian pursed his lips, nodded lightly, and answered him, "The doctor agreed, we will go home later."

When old man Jian heard the news, a happy smile appeared on his pale face immediately, and he responded, "Okay, okay, great, I can finally leave this place, then please help me get out of the hospital quickly, I am now I'm going home right away."

Mrs. Jian took a look at her third son and the others, but this time her mouth was quite obedient, and she didn't say anything harsh.

Seeing this, Brother Jian raised his hand and interrupted the beautiful atmosphere in the ward, "Dad, the doctor said that you can be discharged from the hospital, so you must be fine. I won't be here to hinder you and my mother's eyes, I'd better go back , Let the second and third brothers go back with you."

The smile on Old Man Jian's face gradually diminished after hearing his words, and he said with a disappointed face, "Okay, you go back, and don't come to see me after I die, anyway, I have already treated it as if I had never been born." Your son."

(End of this chapter)

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