"By the way, I came here this time and found that there seem to be several more skin care product counters in this mall." After talking about this, Li Qiaomu remembered what he saw when he came this time.

Zhang Xingyu nodded, "Yes, since the traffic of our counters exploded that day, many merchants have heard of the big profits of opening counters here. I heard that many people came to look for the general manager here. If we want to open a cabinet here, it is estimated that it will take some time, and I am afraid that there will be more."

"But boss, don't worry, we sell cosmetics here, and they are not a threat to our business cabinet for the time being."

Hearing her explanation, Li Qiaomu pursed his lips and smiled, "I'm not worried, even if it poses a threat, it's okay, only being competitive can make us do better, besides, I'm not the only one who can earn money in this world, Everyone can earn."

Zhang Xingyu looked at the boss who was not disturbed by these things at all, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

After staying at the counter for half an hour, Li Qiaomu left and drove back to Jian's Village.

As soon as he got home, Li Qiaomu found a car parked in front of his house.

Looking at the car with an unfamiliar license plate, she entered her home with curiosity.

When she walked into the house, she saw Wen Leibo greeting people for her from a distance.

"Hey, the person you are looking for has come back, you have a good chat." Wen Leibo saw Li Qiaomu who came back at this time, and immediately told the guests around him with a smile, and then left the guests in the main room. One step away from here.

The guest sitting in the main room with Wen Leibo was a middle-aged man, wearing a tunic, exuding an artistic atmosphere.

Li Qiaomu walked in, stared at him, and then asked, "Hi, who are you?"

The middle-aged man stood up and said with a sincere smile on his face, "Hello, you are Jian Meimei's mother."

Li Qiaomu nodded, "I am, you are a beautiful and entertaining person?"

Hearing him mention Meimei, Li Qiaomu immediately remembered the name on the business card he had received from his second sister when he just came back.

He Xiong's eyes lit up, and he asked happily, "Do you know our company?"

Li Qiaomu smiled, shook his head, and replied, "I don't know each other, but one of yours left a business card for my family before, and I saw it."

After hearing this, He Xiong had an expression of enlightenment on his face, "Oh, you're talking about that business card, I gave it to you, I didn't expect you to see it."

"Please sit down and talk." Seeing that he was still standing, Li Qiaomu pointed to the chair behind him and said.

He Xiong thanked him with a smile, and after Li Qiaomu also sat down, he talked about the main purpose of his visit this time.

"Yang Huai came back to find me after filming a TV series this time, and recommended the little girl Jian Meimei to me. He also said that she has a talent for acting, and later showed me her performance in his TV series. It’s really good. Although our company has only been established for a few years, we cherish talents, mainly those with acting talent, and we will definitely train them well.”

Only then did Li Qiaomu understand why this beautiful and entertaining person suddenly found his own Xiaomei.

"Thank you for your appreciation of my daughter, but I can't make the decision for her. I have to wait for her decision on whether to sign with your company."

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