"You are her mother, don't you make decisions for her?" He Xiong asked with surprise when he heard her answer.

Li Qiaomu pursed his lips and smiled, "It's true that I am her mother, but in our family, everyone has their own right to decide what they want to do."

After He Xiong heard about this kind of family, his face was full of surprise, it was the first time he heard about this kind of family.

"Then can I stay here and wait for classmate Jian Meimei to come back? I want to wait for her answer myself." He Xiong immediately said again.

Li Qiaomu thought that it was really not easy for him to come here twice, so he finally nodded and agreed, "Yes, if you don't mind, stay for a light meal."

"Is it okay? Will it be too troublesome?" He Xiong felt embarrassed when he heard that he was still invited to stay for dinner.

Li Qiaomu looked at his embarrassing red face, smiled, and said, "It's nothing, it's just a pair of bowls and chopsticks, it's really nothing."

"Well, I'm not going to be polite, thank you." He Xiong said gratefully.

Then there was a big tail behind Li Qiaomu, as long as she was doing something, this He Xiong would follow behind her like a curious baby, asking questions.

Considering that he is a guest, Li Qiaomu had no choice but to answer his curious question honestly.

"Comrade He, I just heard what you said. You seem to be very familiar with Yang Huai?" At this moment, the two were sitting in the yard choosing the green vegetables to eat at noon. Seeing the atmosphere calm down, Li Qiaomu found this topic to talk to him talking.

"Yeah, Yang Huai and I can be regarded as senior brothers. I am a senior brother, and Yang Huai is a senior fellow student. At the beginning, Yang Huai also showed me the script he is shooting now. I thought it was pretty good, but my boss thought At this time, TV dramas have no future, so I rejected the script."

"But fortunately, my junior brother is very lucky. I heard that when I went out to relax, I ran into a benefactor's mother. The benefactor's mother didn't ask too much, so she directly invested in him. Unfortunately, I have been letting him My younger brother, let me introduce the mother of the gold master, his mouth is as tight as a saw."

Li Qiaomu, who was drinking tea next to him, heard him addressing himself, and accidentally choked on the tea in his mouth.

He Xiong was taken aback by her choking, and hurriedly asked, "How is it, Comrade Li, are you okay?"

Li Qiaomu quickly waved his hands, "It's okay, it's okay, I just choked on the tea, it will be fine later."

He Xiong saw that his face had improved a lot, so he continued to say with confidence, "That's good, what did I just say?"

Li Qiaomu helped him with a smile, "You seem to have mentioned something about the mother of the funder just now. What is the mother of the funder? This is the first time I have heard of such a title."

He Xiong was stunned for a moment, "Ah, Comrade Li, haven't you heard of this title?"

Li Qiaomu smiled sheepishly, and shook his head lightly, "I've never heard of it. I'm usually too busy, so I seldom hear this kind of thing."

"That's okay. I can tell you that the mother of the funder is a rich investor. If it is a man, we will call him the father of the funder. For a woman, we will call him the mother of the funder."

Li Qiaomu twitched the corners of his mouth after hearing this explanation, and continued to say with a smile, "This name is quite special, and it's the first time I've heard it."

Although this follower was a little in the way, but because he was by his side, the lunch was made a little faster than usual.

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