At about twelve o'clock, the three school-going children returned home together.

The three children who came home saw a stranger in the house, and three pairs of eyes looked at the stranger who appeared in their house at the same time.

"You are Meimei, right? You look so cute. Do you like acting?" When the three little guys came back, He Xiong's excited eyes were fixed on Meimei who had just returned from school.

The two brothers of the Jian family, who had always been loved by their sisters like pearls, immediately turned into sister-protecting monsters and stared at He Xiong who suddenly approached them.

"What do you want to do, I can tell you, this is Jian's Village, if you want to do something about child abduction, my father is a policeman, so be careful." Jian Qingyu stood up and protected her younger sister, Jian Meimei, behind her. Protect up.

He Xiong was amused by the little boy who suddenly stood up in front of him, "Little brother, don't worry, I'm not a human trafficker, I'm a good person."

When Jian Qingyu heard his words, she pursed her lips in disbelief, "Bad people in this world don't say they are bad people, and bad people even say they are good people."

He Xiong couldn't laugh or cry because of his unreasonable words, "You little brother, why are you so talkative at such a young age?"

"Stay away from my sister." Jian Qingyu hummed softly at him, warning with a vicious look on her small face.

He Xiong laughed even louder, he didn't expect the children in this family to be quite interesting.

When Li Qiaomu came out with the food, what he saw was He Xiong laughing.

"Everyone, wash your hands and prepare to eat." She called to them.

The three siblings heard their mother calling for dinner, and quickly went to the basin in the yard to wash their hands.

He Xiong looked at the backs of the three brothers and sisters and smiled, then walked to Li Qiaomu and said, "Comrade Li, the three children in your family are too smart, can you let all three of them sign into our company?"

Moreover, these three children are quite good-looking, if they are placed in the entertainment industry, they will definitely become popular.

Upon hearing this, Li Qiaomu glanced at the three brothers and sisters who were squatting in the yard washing their hands, and then answered his question, "I still can't give you the answer, you can ask them, but do they want to join your beautiful entertainment?" Companies, let them make the decision."

He Xiong clenched his fists full of confidence and said, "Okay, I'll ask the three of them later, I don't believe they will refuse my invitation."

Li Qiaomu smiled when he heard his words, "It's not necessarily true, my children are very independent."

After the three warehouses were seated, He Xiong invited the three children to develop in the entertainment industry at the dinner table.

"I'm not going to act in any drama. I'm not interested in it. Don't count me in." Jian Qingyu said with a displeased face.

"Aren't you really going? The entertainment industry can make a lot of money. If you become famous by then, the amount of money you can make will be uncountable. You really don't want to think about it?" He Xiong continued to persuade with.

He didn't believe that there would be people in this world who didn't love money, even if this person was a child.

It's a pity that his idea was doomed to fail, and Jian Qingyu still rejected his invitation with a firm face.

Seeing that he couldn't get the answer he wanted from this child, He Xiong turned his gaze to the oldest boy among the three children in front of him.

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