Chapter 944 You Think Too Much
Before the three children went to bed at night, Li Qiaomu, the mother, visited the second son again and confirmed the matter with him again and again.

Lu Shuliang called the next day and asked them to prepare, and three days later, he would pick up Xiaoyu and leave the house.

Li Qiaomu has been reluctant to part with his second son ever since he received the call.

In the past, because the second son was the most mischievous and least worrying in the family, he was also the kind of person who hated dogs at home.

Now that she knew that this naughty son was leaving home, and that she would not be able to see her until a year later, she felt a little bit sad.

When eating, Li Qiaomu put a chicken leg in the bowl of his second son who was about to leave home with a full face, and his tone was rare and gentle, "Hey, eat more, tell mom what you want to eat, mom Do it for you."

Jian Qingyu looked at the chicken leg that suddenly appeared in his bowl, and then raised his eyes to the mother who was holding the chicken leg for him. He felt that today's mother was gentler to him than ever before, so gentle that he thought his mother had changed. up.

"Mom, I know you don't want to part with me, but can we not be so gentle, you suddenly Song Zi is so gentle to me, I really can't stand it, I still like you to be fierce to me." Jian Qingyu bit her chopsticks, He preached with a look of fear.

He was feeling reluctant to part with this son, but when he suddenly heard his ungrateful words, Li Qiaomu's face immediately grew longer, and he raised his hand to place it on top of his head, "What are you talking about, brat, I am so gentle to you Why are you not used to it, I think you just owe it, don’t you?”

"Yes, yes, is this the mother I know? Mom, I know you don't want me, but we really don't have to be so gentle, you just treat me the same as before, so I can get used to it." Jian Qingyu He touched the top of his beaten head and said with a smile.

Li Qiaomu was so angry that he turned his head and complained to Jian Haotian who was sitting next to him, "Jian Haotian, look at your son, and you don't care about him, he is going to piss your wife off, let me tell you, if I get pissed off , you will have no wife.”

Jian Haotian smiled and quickly stretched out his hand to pat her on the back lightly, comforting him, "Hey, don't be angry, I will take care of him properly, don't worry."

Although this son does not accept his favor, Li Qiaomu still wants to take good care of this son in the past few days.

In the next two or three days, she put all the things in her hand behind, and she wanted to leave all the time for these few days to her youngest son.

Because they don't know what province they are going to study the project in, and they don't know whether the weather there is cold or hot.

After much deliberation, Li Qiaomu decided to make a pair of summer clothes and winter clothes from his mother's brand for his younger son.

For this matter, she specially found a master who specializes in making clothes to learn for a long time.

When sleeping at night, Jian Haotian discovered that his daughter-in-law stopped reading and was mending clothes instead.

Seeing the color of the clothes, which was his favorite color, he walked over happily, "Daughter-in-law, is this dress made for me?"

Li Qiaomu glanced at him, "You think too much, you usually wear your work clothes, why do you need other clothes, I made these clothes for Xiao Yu, how do you see what I made?"

(End of this chapter)

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