Chapter 945
When he heard that it was made for his youngest son, the smile on Jian Haotian's face immediately faded by half, "I made it for that kid, what are you doing for him, he's a brat, and it's not Chinese New Year, what new clothes should he wear?"

When Li Qiaomu heard his words, he raised his foot and kicked his leg, "What are you talking about, what's the matter, my Xiaoyu won't be able to wear it if it's not the Chinese New Year, I can make it for him if I want to."

"Yes, yes, you are right, you can wear it anytime." Seeing that his wife was not happy, he quickly changed the subject.

After looking at it for a while, Jian Haotian immediately noticed that there seemed to be a small problem with this new dress, so he touched his nose and said aloud, "Daughter-in-law, I don't know if I should tell you a question or not?"

Li Qiaomu thought that he was tripping him up again, so he gave him a blank look, "Say whatever you like, say it or not."

Jian Haotian touched the tip of his nose again, and finally decided, "Then I'd better mention it, that is, daughter-in-law, the new dress in your hand seems to have one sleeve long and one short sleeve."

After his reminder, Li Qiaomu took a serious look at the masterpiece in his hands, and finally found that he was really right. This dress is indeed one with long sleeves and one with short sleeves. She should be the one who made this dress. I didn't measure the length well at the time, and I made a mistake for a while.

"If you should wear this, it doesn't seem to be a problem. It's just that one sleeve is short and the other is long. At worst, when you wear it, the sleeves will be short and the sleeves will be long. What do you think?" She looked at Jian Haotian who was silent.

Jian Haotian looked at the indescribable clothes, at this moment he felt a little rejoiced that the clothes were not for himself.

"I think your idea is good. You can also use one piece of clothing for two purposes. My wife is smart." Jian Haotian raised the corner of his mouth and gave her a thumbs up with a smile on his face.

Li Qiaomu snorted, "Stop coming, don't think that I can't understand that you are laughing at me."

"Daughter-in-law Mingjian, I really didn't laugh at you, I was just praising you, it's just that you thought badly." Jian Haotian suppressed a smile and continued to talk nonsense.

Li Qiaomu snorted softly, "When you say this, show me the real expression on your face, so that I may believe your words even more."

When Jian Haotian heard this, he subconsciously touched his cheeks with his hands, and when he turned his head and saw his wife staring at him with a smile that was half a smile, why did he feel empty in his heart.

In the middle of the night, when Jian Haotian woke up from a nap, he found that the light in the room was still on. Looking in the direction of the light, he found his daughter-in-law who was sitting there buried in making clothes.

Li Qiaomu didn't go to bed until dawn and woke up after eleven o'clock at noon.

Not long after waking up, I heard the voices of three children coming back from school.

"Second brother, you are going to participate in the research project with Uncle Lu, why do you still go to school with us, you can stay at home and rest for two days, that's great." Jian Meimei's envious voice.

Jian Qingyu grabbed Xiaomei and said, "Sister, your idea is wrong. We should all study hard. In the past, our parents didn't have the opportunity to study. Now we have such a good opportunity, so we shouldn't waste it like this. Although I I'm leaving, but I still want to finish the book."

"Second brother, don't you have a fever? I'll touch it for you." Jian Meimei looked at the second brother in front of her like she was looking at a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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