Chapter 946 Eccentricity
"I don't have a fever, so don't touch it." Jian Qingyu blocked her outstretched hand.

Jian Meimei stroked her chin and looked towards the silent eldest brother Jian Qingfeng, "Big brother, do you think the second brother has changed?"

At this time, Jian Qingfeng stared at the face of the second brother for a while, and finally nodded, "Well, it really seems to be a different person."

"Right, don't say I was surprised, even the eldest brother said that you seem to be a different person. You used to want to skip school, but now you still don't want to study." Jian Meimei was as excited as if she had discovered a new world. Said.

Jian Qingyu blushed a little, and explained for herself, "I used to be ignorant, but now I am sensible, okay, let's go, let's go into the house, Mom is waiting for us at home."

As soon as the three brothers and sisters got home, Li Qiaomu, who had been waiting for them to come back in the yard, immediately smiled and shouted to them, "I'm back, you're thirsty, come and eat watermelon, the watermelon grown at home is very sweet."

"Watermelon, I like to eat it." Jian Qingyu immediately put down her schoolbag, and quickly ran over to the table where the watermelon was placed.

The three brothers and sisters quickly ran over, each took a piece and ate it.

"It's so sweet. Our watermelon is the sweetest fruit I've ever eaten. No, our fruit is the sweetest." Jian Meimei yelled while eating.

Li Qiaomu smiled, took a piece and handed it to the eldest son, "Xiaofeng, send a piece to your Brunei grandpa."

Jian Qingfeng wiped the corner of his mouth, "Okay, Mom."

Li Qiaomu seemed to be thinking of something at this time, and told his second son who was enjoying eating watermelon, "You and your sister are eating here first, mom has prepared a gift for you, mom is going to get it for you now."

"There is still a gift, thank you mom, then mom, hurry up and get it, I will obediently eat here and wait for you." Upon hearing that there was a gift, Jian Qingfeng replied obediently.

Seeing the hopeful eyes of his second son, Li Qiaomu quickened his pace and ran into the house.

"Little sister, what gift did you say mother prepared for me? I'm looking forward to it." Jian Qingyu stared at the direction Li Qiaomu entered while eating the watermelon.

"You'll know when mom comes out, second brother." Jian Meimei was also a little curious about what gift her mother had prepared for second brother.

Li Qiaomu quickly came out of the room, and when he came out, he happened to meet the elder son who was bringing back the watermelon.

"Give it to your Brunei grandpa, does he like it?"

"Grandpa Brunei likes to eat it very much, and said that our watermelon is the sweetest." Jian Qingfeng replied seriously.

"Mom, this is?" At this moment, he saw the clothes in his mother's hand.

"This is the clothes I made for your second brother. Isn't he going to participate in a research project and leave home? I'll make him a dress so that he can take it out when he's homesick outside."

After finishing speaking, she was afraid that the eldest son would think that she was partial to the second son, so she told him, "Don't worry, when you go to Beijing in the future, mom will make one for you too. I won't favor any of you three brothers and sisters." , Mom will prepare everything for you.”

With a warm heart, Jian Qingfeng took her hand and said, "Mom, let's go together."

Li Qiaomu looked at the hand held by the eldest son, and his heart was warm, his eyes were still a little sore, "Okay, let's go together."

Jian Qingyu and Jian Meimei, who were eating watermelon in the yard, soon saw their mother and elder brother coming together.

(End of this chapter)

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