"Why, don't you want it? If you don't want it, return it to me." Seeing his son staring at the dress without speaking, Li Qiaomu reached out to take it back in embarrassment.

Jian Qingyu immediately hugged it tightly in her arms, "Don't return it, this is the clothes you made for me yourself, mom, so I don't want to return it, I have to keep it with me all the time, so I go there and feel homesick, I'll take out my clothes and take a look."

Li Qiaomu felt sour, and held his hand distressedly, "Xiaoyu, otherwise we won't go and stay at home, even if your grades are not good in the future, mom won't blame you."

When Jian Qingyu, who was still a little sad just now, heard her mother's words of persuasion, she immediately regained her spirits in fright, looked at her nervously, and shouted, "Mom, you can't be serious, are you? You and Dad promised me that this matter is up to me to decide, and I want to go."

When Li Qiaomu, who was still reluctant to part with his son, heard his son's appearance that he was afraid that he would stop him from going, he no longer felt reluctant, and gritted his teeth and told him, "Okay, okay, if you want to go, go, anyway, I'm not going outside , it’s not that I can’t come home all year round, you’ll be homesick by then, so don’t cry with me on the phone.”

As soon as Jian Qingyu heard her mother's tone, she knew that what she was worried about just now was resolved, and she immediately took her arm with a smile on her face, and said coquettishly, "No, as long as I do what I like, I won't cry , even if I get homesick by then, I will always bear it."

Li Qiaomu, who originally planned to ignore his son, felt a little bit reluctant to bear his son when he heard his words, so he softened his tone and told him, "Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. If you really miss home, you can call him." Cry in front of me or your dad, we won't laugh at you."

Seeing this topic getting more and more sad, Li Qiaomu quickly found a reason and went into the kitchen to cook.

As soon as the mother left, the three brothers and sisters stopped talking for a while, and the yard immediately became a little quiet.

"Brother, I seem to see our mother's eyes are red." Jian Meimei walked to the second brother and whispered.

Just after mentioning it, Jian Meimei turned her head, only to find that the second brother in front of her was also teary-eyed.

"Second brother, are you crying?" Jian Meimei stared at his tearful eyes and shouted in disbelief.

Jian Qingyu immediately turned her head and wiped the teardrops on the edge of her eyes with the back of her hand, denying it vehemently, "You read it wrong, I didn't cry."

Jian Meimei wanted to say more, but suddenly her shoulder was patted by the big brother behind her.

Jian Qingfeng looked at the second brother in front of him with relief, "Meimei, you read wrong, your second brother didn't cry."

Jian Meimei looked at the two brothers, and finally changed her mind, "That may be because I read it wrong. I have read a lot of scripts recently, and my eyes are a little blurred."

No matter how reluctant the family was, Jian Qingyu was still picked up by Lu Shuliang at the appointed time.

On the first day of pick-up, the whole family was in a low mood. Even when eating, Li Qiaomu couldn't help but put an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks on the table.

It wasn't until she saw their siblings sitting down that she realized that her second son had been taken to a research project by Lu Shuliang.

Fortunately, the whole family is making themselves accept this change as quickly as possible.

A few days after Jian Qingyu followed Lu Shuliang to the research base, Li Qiaomu took his daughter Jian Meimei to an audition.

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