The result was very good, Meimei was selected in the first round, and she could enter the group just waiting for the filming of the TV series to start.

During this time, Yang Huai's TV series will also be aired.

On the day of the broadcast, the family stood by the TV and waited for the TV series to air.

One minute before the broadcast, an advertisement was suddenly broadcast on TV, which was a cosmetics advertisement shot by Zhou Xing.

Zhou Sheng, who was wearing makeup, perfectly interpreted a woman's confidence and beauty after putting on makeup in front of the camera. In the end, Zhou Xing told the name of his cosmetics to the TV camera.

"My dear, I didn't expect our cosmetics to be on TV." Li Qiaoxin said excitedly after watching the commercial.

At this time, Jian Haotian gave a rare detailed explanation of his wife's product, "This advertisement is well done. After tonight's advertisement, many people will know about our brand tomorrow."

Hearing the praise from his family members for the advertisement he put in this time, Li Qiaomu smiled proudly, "Is the advertisement I put in this time not a loss?"

"It's not a loss." The big guys shouted at her in unison at this time.

Just at this time, the TV series started to play, and half an hour later, the family members became excited again.

"This is Meimei, my God, our Meimei is so beautiful." Li Qiaoxin shouted excitedly, pointing at a girl on the TV.

Jian Meimei, who was sitting next to her mother, saw all the family members looking towards her, she immediately showed her small face embarrassed, and at the same time felt a little proud. She finally went on TV, and finally let the family People saw her on TV.

And in the future, she will definitely act in more TV dramas and appear on TV. She wants not only her family to know her, but also people all over the world to know her as Jian Meimei.

When the first episode was over, the phone at Xinjian's house rang.

Li Qiaomu picked up the phone, and soon heard the excited voice of his second son who had been away from home for a week.

"Mom, I'm watching a TV series, and I saw our little sister in my heart, she's so amazing, she's really good at acting, everyone in our research institute praises my little sister, and says she's very aura , especially good at acting." As soon as Li Qiaomu picked up the phone, he just yelled a word, and heard the second son's mouth crackling non-stop, and she didn't even have a chance to interject.

Li Qiaomu held the phone receiver with a smile and listened to the excited voice of the second son on the phone.

Jian Haotian, who was sitting in the room, saw that his daughter-in-law hadn't come out after answering the phone, so she looked for her worriedly.

Seeing my daughter-in-law was listening on the phone with a smile on her lips, he walked up to her and whispered next to her other ear, "Who is calling?"

Li Qiaomu pointed to the phone receiver and told him with his mouth that it was his second son who called.

When Jian Haotian heard that it was his second son who called, he immediately told her, "Let me talk to him."

Li Qiaomu smiled, and then interrupted the second son on the phone, "Xiaoyu, your dad wants to talk to you."

Jian Haotian answered the phone with a smile, and yelled, "Xiao Yu, I'm Dad, how are you doing over there? Did your Uncle Lu take good care of you?"

After asking these questions, Jian Haotian listened to his son's answer on the other end of the phone, a satisfied smile slowly appeared on the corner of Junyi's mouth, and finally whispered, "It seems that this guy has not disappointed me."

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