The TV series only aired two episodes a night, and at nine o'clock, the big guys left and went back to their homes one after another.

On the second day, Li Qiaomu received a call from Zhang Xingyu.

"Sister Qiao Mu, great news, do you know that since the TV series aired last night, a large group of customers came to our counter today to ask for the cosmetics used by Zhou Xing. It is almost sold out now, can you send another batch of products over there."

Listening to her excited speech, the smile on Li Qiaomu's face couldn't stop.

"Okay, I'll arrange for the factory to deliver the goods to your side now. How about the manpower? Is it enough? If not, I'll send a few people here to help you."

Zhang Xingyu replied with a smile, "I don't need it for the time being. There are still enough people here. When it's really not enough, I'll ask Sister Qiao Mu for it."

Li Qiaomu followed with a smile, "Okay, if you have any difficulties, just ask me, you're welcome."

"Also, I've worked hard for you this time, tell the big guys, and give them double bonuses at the end of the month."

Zhang Xingyu immediately responded happily, "Thank you sister Qiao Mu, I will thank you first for them."

"You're welcome, do it well." The two of them hung up the phone after saying this.

Just as she hung up the phone, Ma Dongmei from Beijing also called.

"Sister Li, send some of your cosmetics over here too. Since the TV series was broadcast last night, people all over Beijing are now looking for the cosmetics used by Zhou Xing. Many people know that it is our skin care products. Those who come out of the product here are all blaming us for not selling such good cosmetics here in Beijing." Speaking of this, Ma Dongmei's face was as bright as the sun.

Thinking of how those people couldn't wait to get cosmetics, she felt as if a lot of money was waving at her.

Hearing her happy laughter, Li Qiaomu laughed along, "Okay, I'll arrange for someone to send a batch to Beijing in these two days."

"That's about the same. By the way, because of this advertisement, even our skin care products have become famous. I also received a call from the manager of the store this morning, saying that the turnover of our skin care products is higher than before. It has doubled."

"Now I finally know what advertising effect you are talking about. I should have listened to you earlier and asked Mingde to endorse our skin care products. Now maybe our skin care products will become more famous." Ma Dongmei paused I'm so sorry.

Li Qiaomu listened to her with a faint smile on his lips.

After talking for half an hour, the phone call was hung up.

Just after hanging up, before she got up, the phone next to her rang again. Li Qiaomu thought it was Ma Dongmei who had something to say, so he picked up the phone and said directly, "Sister Dongmei, is there anything else?"

Yang Huai on the other end of the phone was startled when she heard her question, and then said in a low voice, "Comrade Li, it's me, am I not Miss Dongmei?"

Hearing his embarrassing speech, Li Qiaomu burst into a smile, and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought it was a friend of mine who called, but I didn't expect it to be you. What's the matter?"

Yang Huai smiled after listening to her explanation, and talked about the purpose of his calling this time.

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