"Comrade Li, I have good news for you. Our TV series achieved very successful ratings on the first day of its broadcast last night. We have succeeded." On the other end of the phone, Yang Huai's excited voice floated in clearly through the microphone. In Li Qiaomu's ears.

"That's really great. Congratulations, Comrade Yang, your wish has finally come true." Li Qiaomu said happily for him.

"Well, I finally realized my wish. Because of the popularity of this TV series, I received several calls today, and they all asked me if I plan to make another TV series. They want to invest in me, and they want to give me money. Investment, they finally found it by themselves, not me." After speaking, his voice suddenly choked up.

Although Li Qiaomu didn't see his current appearance, he could still guess from his tone of voice that he must be crying.

Li Qiaomu didn't talk to him, but just quietly listened to him talking about the injustice he had encountered in the past few years, as well as the situation where he had no hope.

"Comrade Li, you don't know. When you didn't appear, I really felt that my world was dark. I even thought that I shouldn't live in this world at all."

Hearing his words, Li Qiaomu finally interrupted him this time, "Comrade Yang, let's just think about this kind of thing once, and we can't think about it again in the future. Haven't you heard a sentence, God There is no end to the road, look, it is your persistence that we can know each other, so, we should continue to live with good hopes."

Yang Huai was moved and laughed, "Thank you, Comrade Li."

"By the way, this time the dividend has already been credited to your account. Go check it out. The next dividend will be in next month, and it will be credited to your account on time." Wiping away tears, Yang Huai talked about it seriously.

Unexpectedly, there would be a hug back so soon, Li Qiaomu couldn't wait to check how much bonus he got this time.

The two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

This time, the phone at Xinjian's house finally quieted down.

Li Qiaomu stood by for a while, making sure that no one was calling. He immediately turned around and went to the house to get the car keys, and drove the car to the bank in the city.

As soon as she came to the bank, Li Qiaomu was about to go to the counter to check her account. As soon as she came in, she saw a man and a woman walking in front of her, and her pace immediately slowed down.

At the same time, Jian Xiang and Qin Wei, who were walking in front of her, also spotted Li Qiaomu who came here.

"Third Aunt, long time no see. Are you here to withdraw money from the bank? Are you running out of money, do you want me to lend it to you?" Qin Wei walked to her side with a smirk on his lips.

Li Qiaomu gave him a supercilious look, ignored the young couple, passed him, and strode towards the counter.

Qin Wei wanted to go forward to show off his majesty, but when he turned around, the woman beside him stopped him with his arm.

"Why are you stopping me? I want to see what she wants to do here?" Qin Wei glared at Jian Xiang with displeasure.

"Are you enough? We are not here today to fight against others. We are here to deal with business. Get out of here quickly, don't let me, the third aunt, see anything." Jian Xiang looked at him with hatred Persuade.

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