Chapter 960 Too Exaggerated
"Look, you laughed, I told you, Auntie is not scary at all, now you believe what Auntie said, let me tell you, if anyone becomes my daughter-in-law in the future, I will definitely take her Treat him like my own daughter. Xiaoheng and I have always wanted to have another child with his father. I want to have another child later, but I am getting old. His father refuses again. I have always wanted to have a daughter, but it is a pity. Ah, no chance."

After finishing speaking, seeing that the little girl still didn't quite understand the meaning of her words, Shengkai sighed inwardly, her son's words

This road to love seems a bit difficult.

As soon as Shen Heng, who was finishing the game, looked up, he happened to see his mother talking to Meimei.

He was so frightened that his face froze, and he quickly put down what he was doing and ran over, pulling Jian Meimei behind him for protection.

Sheng Kai's heart was soured by his son's sudden outburst.

Is this her son who was born in October of her pregnancy? This stinky brat, who has a wife at such a young age, has forgotten that she is a mother.

"Are you okay, did my mother bully you?" Shen Heng turned his head nervously and asked Jian Meimei.

Jian Meimei shook her head slightly at him with a puzzled expression, and then said, "Brother Heng, have you misunderstood something? Auntie didn't bully me. I think Auntie is very nice and her words are very interesting."

Shen Heng still didn't quite believe what she said, so he told her again, "Meimei, you don't have to worry about me, if my mother tells you something inappropriate, don't listen to her, you know."

Jian Meimei was amused by his serious words, "Really not, Brother Heng, why do you miss Aunt Sheng like this, she is your own mother."

At this moment, a chirp sounded from behind them.

Shengkai came over, glared at her son who said bad things about him, then pulled Jian Meimei over, held her hand and told her, "Meimei, let me tell you, if you get married in the future, listen to Auntie A word of advice, don’t give birth to a son for anything, for having a son is to make you suffer, you think it would be nice to have a daughter, the daughter is still a cotton-padded jacket, not like a son, leaking wind.”

Jian Meimei looked at the mother and son, and suddenly understood something, she nodded slightly with her mouth bent, "Ok auntie, I will remember."

Not long after they stayed in the study, Li Qiaomu called them to come out for dinner.

In the yard, while Li Qiaomu was serving the prepared meals to the table, Xiaofeng also helped Wen Leibo out from the backyard.

Sheng Kai looked at the pile of sumptuous meals on the table, looked happily at Li Qiaomu who came out with a plate of dishes, and said, "Comrade Li, your cooking skills are good, and it smells so good."

"That's right, Aunt Li's cooking skills are like this, much better than our nanny's cooking." Shen Heng praised earnestly.

Li Qiaomu was a little embarrassed by the compliments from their mother and son, "It's not as exaggerated as you say, it's just a few home-cooked dishes."

Shengkai listened to his son's flattery, and when Li Qiaomu turned to busy with other things, he quickly bumped his own son with his arm, "Stinky boy, why didn't you tell me the compliment just now? Sure enough, you I gave birth to this son in vain."

Shen Heng raised his eyes and told her with a serious expression, "What I just said was the truth. I didn't flatter you. Besides, I wanted to tell you, Mom, but you didn't have the chance for me to praise you."

(End of this chapter)

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