Chapter 961

After finishing speaking, Shen Heng hurriedly sat a little further away.

After listening to her son's joke, Shengkai was so angry that she wanted to raise her hand to hit someone, but before she raised her hand, the son had already sat far away from her.

In this way, under the atmosphere of everyone talking and laughing, lunch officially started.

Wen Leibo ate the old man's meal that Li Qiaomu specially cooked for him, because he was old and his teeth were not very good, so Li Qiaomu always cooked the food on his food to be a little bit rotten.

After Li Qiaomu picked up a piece of stewed meat for the old man, he heard Shenghua asking Meimei.

"Meimei, I look familiar to you, as if I've seen you somewhere before." Shengkai only remembered why when he saw Meimei for the first time, he felt a little familiar.

It's obviously her first time here, but why does Meimei look familiar? Logically speaking, this is impossible.

When Jian Meimei heard her question, she immediately thought of something, so she said with a smile, "Auntie, I think you should have seen me on TV."

After being reminded by Meimei, Shengkai suddenly realized that she had really seen this child on TV, and that's why she felt so familiar.

A few days ago, her son suddenly became obsessed with watching a TV series every night. He couldn't watch it alone, and he had to drag the whole family to watch it with him.

Even her mother was not spared.

She still felt strange before, usually her son didn't care about TV at all, but a few days ago, her son seemed to be a different person, wishing he could put his whole body into the TV. It's like letting go.

"I said, no wonder I feel familiar looking at you, but I haven't seen it on TV, that's right, I've seen it on TV. Did you act on TV? You appeared on the TV that just aired a few days ago Yes." After saying this, she secretly glanced at her son who was only eating with his head down, and continued, "Let me tell you a secret, your Brother Xiaoheng has been watching by the TV for the past few days. You're in a TV show."

"Mom, hurry up and eat." Hearing her say this, Shen Henghong stuffed a piece of meat into her mouth with a shy face.

Shengkai immediately widened his eyes, "Brat, you know that I hate eating fatty meat, yet you gave me fatty meat again."

With a guilty conscience, Shen Heng quickly turned his gaze away.

"It turns out that Xiao Heng has watched Meimei's TV series. How does it feel? Is Meimei's acting okay?" Li Qiaomu asked with a smile.

Shen Heng blushed and nodded lightly, then secretly raised his eyes to Jian Meimei's side, and then answered in a low voice, "Meimei's acting is very good."

"Thank you Brother Heng." Jian Meimei replied embarrassedly.

"Don't be polite to me, your acting is really good, anyway, I like to watch it." Shen Heng lowered his head and said again.

The other people at the dinner table suddenly felt that there was something a little more in the atmosphere around them, of course, except for the insider, Sheng Kai.

After lunch, the two families sat together again and chatted.

It was also during this chat that Li Qiaomu knew the reason why their mother and son came here this time.

"So Comrade Sheng, you are an investment target invited by our government. You are amazing." Knowing her identity, Li Qiaomu looked at her with admiration and said.

Shengkai smiled embarrassedly, waved his hands and said modestly, "Where, where, I just opened a small trading company."

(End of this chapter)

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