Chapter 971 Stop Talking
"Oh, I really didn't expect that I, Li Qiaomu, would be a person of some importance in the entertainment circle now." She proudly said with her chest puffed out.

There was a smile hidden in the corner of Jian Haotian's eyes, and he followed her words solemnly, "My wife is really amazing, so may I ask, have you thought about how to deal with this matter?"

When he was finished, Li Qiaomu stroked his chin and thought for a while, then he took his hand and asked, "Can you help me analyze whether I should invest in this TV series for them?"

"What do you think? Do you want to invest in this TV series?"

Li Qiaomu thought for a while on his topic, and quickly expressed his thoughts, "I think the content of their half-filmed TV series is quite good. If it is filmed and broadcast, it should also be a big hit." , and that guy Guo Huai also said that this TV series is good."

"Daughter-in-law, you have said so much, but you already have an idea in your heart." He said with a smile.

After listening to his words, Li Qiaomu thought about it for a while, and suddenly the smile on his face brightened, "Your words really woke me up, didn't I already have an idea? I was wondering if you could give me some advice."

Jian Haotian followed with a smile, took her into his arms and hugged her, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and said, "My wife is so smart, how can I give you any advice."

Li Qiaomu raised his head, picked his chin with one hand and said with a smile, "Comrade Jian Haotian, your mouth is getting more and more painful."

Jian Haotian raised the corner of his mouth, grabbed the hand on his chin, put it on his lips and kissed lightly, "Can I take this sentence as a compliment from you, my daughter-in-law."

"Stop talking nonsense, go to bed quickly, it's getting late." Li Qiaomu came out of his arms with a blushing face, lay down on his sleeping position and yawned.

Seeing her sleepy look, Jian Haotian hugged her into his arms again with distress, "Sleep, I'll hold you."

At this moment, Li Qiaomu was really sleepy, he couldn't open his sleepy eyes, and muttered a few words, "Hold me as long as you want, don't give me any messy thoughts, listen to no."

Although the voice was a little low, it could still be heard clearly. Seeing that she fell asleep after saying this, Jian Haotian touched her smooth and tender cheek with a full face of doting, "Don't worry, I won't mess around, just hug her." Let's go." After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and then slowly fell asleep with her in his arms.

After a good night's dream, when he woke up the next day, Li Qiaomu had just walked to the officer in the lobby, only then did he know that the three from yesterday had come again early this morning.

Now Guo Huai is sitting in the hall and greeting the three of them.

"Guo Huai, we were also taught by one teacher in one school. When Comrade Li comes out later, you have to speak nice words to us in front of her, so that she must agree to invest in our TV series." Jin Dapeng last night He didn't fall asleep all night, because he was worried about this matter, he woke up early in the morning, and now both eyes are swollen.

Guo Huai looked at the three of them. In fact, the situation of the other two and Jin Dapeng was not much better. It could be seen that they were also worried about this matter and stayed up all night.

"I will definitely help if I can, but for such a big matter, everything depends on Comrade Li. Don't worry, as long as your TV series is good, Comrade Li will naturally invest in your TV series." He looked shrewd. Said to play Tai Chi with them.

(End of this chapter)

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