Chapter 972 I Have a Thick Skin
The three of them had wry smiles on their faces after hearing his words, how could they fail to understand what their classmate meant.

When Li Qiaomu came over, he saw the three of them staring at Guo Huai with bitterness and hatred.

"I didn't come to the wrong place." She stood at the door and asked with a smile.

As soon as she made a sound, the relatively silent four people in the hall looked at her at the same time.

"Comrade Li." When the three of them saw her yesterday, they looked at her with more excited faces.

"Why are you here so early, have you had breakfast?" She asked the three of them as she walked in.

"Eat, we came here only after eating." Jin Dapeng replied on behalf of the two friends beside him.

Li Qiaomu nodded, and looked at Guo Huai again, "You were drunk yesterday, how did you sleep, didn't you vomit?"

Guo Huai rubbed his head in embarrassment, "I didn't vomit, I didn't vomit, I'm a pretty good drinker, I just want to sleep when I'm drunk, I won't vomit, don't worry."

"Your fruit wine is really good. I drank your fruit wine last night. I slept very deeply all night. I didn't wake up until very late in the morning. Last night's sleep was the best night I've slept in these days. Already." Speaking of the sleep last night, Guo Huai still misses it a little.

"Then you take a bottle back to drink when you go back, and come to me for it after you finish drinking." She said.

When Guo Huai heard this, he was happy, but rubbed his hands together embarrassedly and said, "That's so embarrassing, in fact, if you don't talk about it, I want to tell you about it too."

Li Qiaomu looked at his thief-like appearance, and smiled with the corner of his mouth curled up, "Okay, you're still pretending to be thin-skinned here, don't I know what you are?"

Guo Huai immediately shouted that he was wronged, "You have wronged me, I am usually a thin-skinned person."

"If you still want my fruit wine, just be honest with me." Li Qiaomu threatened with a smile.

In the next second, Guo Huai's face immediately turned cowardly, and he immediately changed his words obediently, "Okay, okay, I have a thick skin, let me be thick-skinned."

Only then did Li Qiaomu show a satisfied smile, "It's not bad."

The way the two of them talked so easily made the three people around them look envious.

They also want to have such a rich friend.

Li Qiaomu, who had finished speaking with Guo Huai, didn't know what the three of them were thinking. Seeing that he had left the three of them aside, he turned his head and told them with embarrassment, "Sit down first, and let Guo Huai greet you. You guys, I'll go have breakfast first, and we'll have a good chat after dinner."

"Okay, okay, Comrade Li, you go to eat first, we are not in a hurry here." Jin Dapeng said immediately.

Guo Huai on the side twitched his lips when he heard what he, the monitor, said. He couldn't believe that the three of them were not in a hurry. If they were not in a hurry, what were the three of them doing here so early.

After Li Qiaomu told Guo Huai another word of greeting to the three of them, he went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

She didn't know how the four of them chatted after she left, anyway, her hungry chest was sticking to her back, and she had to eat something quickly.

When she came to the kitchen, she quickly found the breakfast left by her family, a bowl of meat porridge and a bowl of pickles made by herself.

Maybe in the eyes of others, these two bowls seem very simple, but to her, these two things are delicacy that money can hardly buy.

(End of this chapter)

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