Chapter 139 Planning Tasks
"If this matter is really handed over to Tang Shaoqing, it would be a bad thing."

"We could even take advantage of that relationship and work with her."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan unexpectedly.

"You mean that if Tang Shaoqing is the one who handles this matter, then we can cooperate with each other, and we can also help Tang Shaoqing find the murderer as soon as possible."

"Firstly, we can prove our innocence, and secondly, we can bring the murderer to justice, making Tang Shaoqing owe us our kindness."

Su Qinglan nodded: "That's right, that's what I meant. If he came to investigate this matter, then we would have a chance to get closer to this matter, find more clues, and solve the case as soon as possible."

Xiao Yixuan finally understood what Su Qinglan meant.

"What you said seems to make sense. If we do this, we have nothing to lose, and we can also gain favor."

The most difficult thing in the world to pay back is the debt of favor. Now, Tang Shaoqing owed him so many favors, and he must pay it back.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yixuan became excited.

"Are we going to contact him right now?"

To do things must be resolved quickly, which has always been the rule of doing things he adheres to.

He has never liked procrastination.

Su Qinglan shook her head lightly, "Not yet, because we don't have any evidence or clues in our hands, and the past is not good for us, and he may not be willing to cooperate with us, but if we have evidence in our hands If not, he will be forced to cooperate with us."

"Think about it, is he begging us to cooperate, or are we begging him to cooperate?"

It must be the latter, don't even think about it.

Xiao Yixuan nodded understandingly: "It's still you who can think of such a thing."

Otherwise, he really cooperated directly with others, and she would owe others a debt of favor at that time.

This is not worth the candle.

At this point, Xiao Yixuan had to admire Su Qinglan.

She has a very bright head.

It was as if everything could be easily solved by her.

Without knowing it, Xiao Yixuan already admired Su Qinglan very much.

Why is she always so calm when doing things?
Her calm demeanor is just so cool.

He was already quietly worshiping Su Qinglan.

By Su Qinglan's side, it seems that she can learn a lot at once.

It seems that the original choice was not wrong, choosing to stay by Su Qinglan's side.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "In the next investigation, we can't underestimate the enemy."

"What happened at night is enough to prove one thing. Those people are in the dark, and we are in the light. They can kill people at any time, anytime, anywhere, regardless of time and occasion."

"Otherwise they wouldn't dare to challenge the entire martial arts league."

"When we kill in front of everyone, we are provoking everyone here."

"Since they can provoke everyone here, it proves that they are very courageous. They must have some skills to dare to do such a thing."

"We can't take it lightly. We have to be serious about this matter, but things will help us, can we find what we want in the future? So this is the key."

Xiao Yixuan nodded understandingly: "Don't worry, we are going to find out that thief tonight, I just want to see who it is? How dare you be so arrogant."

(End of this chapter)

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