Chapter 140 Aiming at Tangjiabao
"Our mission is to capture this thief alive. Only if we are alive can we be qualified to negotiate a deal with Tang Shaoqing."

Su Qinglan was ready to let everyone attack.

This place is so big, it often takes more people to discover the evidence.

As long as people can be found is the key.

Who knows where these people will hide and kill people?

Everywhere, most likely, so every place is likely to be their murder scene.

Tang Shaoqing really took over the matter.

The Wulin League personally asked him to take over, even if he wanted to refuse, he couldn't refuse.

The people in Tangjiabao were very angry.

"Young Baozhu, why are you not angry? Those old guys in the Wulin League are clearly bullying us. This matter has nothing to do with us. We have made it clear at the beginning, but they still put this matter Leave it to us to investigate, this is clearly intentional."

The people around Tang Shaoqing were not convinced.

Why did Tang Jiabao have to investigate everything.

There are so many martial arts sects, why should they let the Tangjiabao family come out to investigate?
Isn't this bullying?

Is there such a thing as bullying?

It's simply not paying attention to people.

How could there be such a brazen person?

Tang Shaoqing said to others: "Be safe and don't be impatient. It is really wrong for the Wulin League to do this, but what they said is very reasonable, because after we came here, there were murders. Before we came here, it was calm .”

The man was very unconvinced: "But it's just a coincidence, can't it be a coincidence? Can coincidences be planted on our Tangjiabao?"

Tang Shaoqing shook her head lightly, and said to the young man, "You are still too young, you still don't understand what's going on here. It's not as simple as you think."

The young man didn't understand, "Why isn't it simple? It's a very simple matter. If someone killed someone, why should we Tangjiabao handle it? Isn't this clearly intentional?"

Tang Shaoqing smiled: "Things are really not as simple as you imagined. Think about why someone murdered us as soon as we arrived here? Think about why that person would do this?"

"Why don't you kill people so late? Why did you kill people on the night we arrived?"

The boy still couldn't understand. He thought it was just a coincidence. It's normal to have some coincidences in many cases!
Seeing the confusion on the young man's head, Tang Shaoqing said: "You really need to learn more, kid! They deliberately started killing people when we came, didn't they show that they deliberately planted us? They just deliberately let us get involved in this matter relationship."

"So the murderer is likely to be targeting us. Do you really think that group of people in the Wulin League are really that stupid? He clearly wants us to handle our own affairs. In fact, the people in the Wulin League are very smart. "

After hearing Tang Shaoqing's words, the boy suddenly realized.

"So it turned out to be the case. In other words, the purpose of the Wulin League is to let us deal with those who have enmity with us."

"Those people deliberately killed people when we came, and they were clearly coming for us."

"Could it be that the target of this group of people is Tangjiabao?"

(End of this chapter)

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