Chapter 147
In the afternoon, Su Qinglan took Xiao Yixuan out.

Xiao Yixuan and Su Qinglan went to the tea house together.

Not long after they arrived at the teahouse, Tang Shaoqing really appeared.

They were not at all curious about Tang Shaoqing's appearance, as if they had expected Tang Shaoqing would definitely come.

Su Qinglan nodded lightly towards Tang Shaoqing, "Young Master, I didn't expect such a coincidence that you also come to drink tea?"

Tang Shaoqing sat opposite Su Qinglan, and said, "You don't mind if I sit here?"

Su Qinglan shook her head lightly, "I don't mind, of course I don't mind, the young hall master can just sit casually, today's tea, I'll treat you..."

Tang Shaoqing smiled, "This tea, how can I let the girl come to treat guests, naturally I should come down to treat guests. If it weren't for this brother, I am afraid, we would not have found the murderer so quickly."

Xiao Yixuan said: "It's just a coincidence."

Tang Shaoqing said: "Coincidentally, it is strength. Otherwise, why are there so many sects in the Wulin League? No one can meet by such a coincidence, so you let this brother meet you? It shows that this brother is a powerful person .”

Xiao Yixuan: "..."

This Tang Shaoqing is really powerful.

Do not underestimate him.

Tang Shaoqing said to Su Qinglan: "I'm afraid you all know what happened today?"

Su Qinglan took a sip of tea, put down the teacup calmly, and then asked: "Is the incident that the young master said about the murderer taken away by the members of the Martial Arts League?"

Tang Shaoqing nodded, and said to Su Qinglan: "It seems that you are also quite well informed."

Su Qinglan said unknowingly: "The whole martial arts world knows about this matter, we know it, and it's normal, but I don't know what did the young hall master ask last night?"

Tang Shaoqing shook his head, "No, last night, we tried every means, he just didn't want to speak up, and we couldn't do anything about him. We still thought about it, and then we thought about other ways. I didn't expect people from the Wulin League to What do you think about the fact that you came here so quickly to take the murderer away?"

Su Qinglan said: "It's very simple. This person came out of the Wulin League last night, but none of the people in the Wulin League knew him. That means that this person is not from the Wulin League. But people who are not members of the Wulin League can freely enter the Wulin League, which is not easy. Moreover, last night, he was very familiar with the terrain of the Wulin League, which shows that he must be very familiar with the Wulin League... ..."

"Only people from the Wulin League are so familiar with the Wulin League. If you guess correctly, there should be traitors in the Wulin League..."

Tang Shaoqing looked at Su Qinglan with a look of approval, "I didn't expect Miss Xiange to be so powerful, and she analyzed all the strengths in a single word. I'm afraid you also deliberately handed over the murderer to us last night." From Tangjiabao, right?"

Tang Shaoqing is not stupid. If Su Qinglan wanted to investigate this matter, she didn't need to rely on Tangjiabao at all, but after she caught the murderer, she handed it over to Tangjiabao as soon as possible. It means to cooperate with Tangjiabao.

Last night he vaguely guessed something, unexpectedly, he really got it right!

(End of this chapter)

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