Chapter 148 Let's Talk About Cooperation
When people from the Wulin League came to him today, he knew that the murderer must have an inseparable relationship with the Wulin League. He kicked him out as a favor and handed him over to the Wulin League to deal with.

As for the members of the Wulin League, whether they can find out the truth is not something he should care about.

However, Tang Shaoqing knew that this murderer must not live long in the Wulin League.

Of course, these are not things he should care about.

What he wants to pay attention to now are the two people in front of him.

These two people were able to catch the murderer so easily, which shows that they are not simple.

Moreover, they took the initiative to please, explaining that they wanted to cooperate with Tangjiabao, if this was the case, why couldn't they cooperate!

This is the purpose of Tang Shaoqing's coming to find Su Qinglan and the others.

Tang Shaoqing asked Su Qinglan, "Do you think this matter will have something to do with that person from the Wulin League? What is their purpose? Is it simply to kill people?"

Su Qinglan shook her head, "I don't know. If you want to know the truth, there is only one way now, and that is to find out the people behind it, so that you can know why these people not only want to kill, but also dig Take your heart out."

Tang Shaoqing thought of something, and then told Su Qinglan, "You must have heard about one thing, right?"

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing, and asked, "Oh, what's going on?"

Tang Shaoqing said: "I have heard that in some hidden races, there is a very special treatment method, which is to use the heart as medicine, and the living heart is used as medicine, which can cure some diseases. As a doctor, you have heard of this. way?"

Su Qinglan nodded, "It is true that I have heard of it, but I have never seen it. This method of killing people and taking their hearts as medicine is actually just a kind of folk remedy. As for whether it will work or not, I don't know yet. , No one would be so cruel, dig out the heart of a living person, and use it for medicine, if there are such people, then these people must be perverted."

Tang Shaoqing said to Su Qinglan: "This world is so big, there are so many surprises, maybe that kind of person is by our side?"

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing, and then asked, "Then what did you find?"

Tang Shaoqing shook his head lightly, "I haven't found anything yet, but I have realized one thing. Those people may be coming for my Tangjiabao. For this matter, my Tangjiabao will definitely be dragged It’s no longer something we can choose to go into the water.”

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing, "Is it because something happened when you just arrived in the Wulin League?"

Tang Shaoqing nodded, "That's right, there was no accident early, no accident when playing, why did the people who came to our Tangjiabao start to have accidents as soon as they arrived in the Wulin League? The matter is definitely not that simple. Those people must be aiming at People from Tangjiabao are here..."

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing, looked at his calm face, and was not in a hurry, so she couldn't help asking: "Since you think they came for Tangjiabao, what are you going to do with Tangjiabao?"

Tang Shaoqing said: "This matter is related to Tangjiabao's reputation, so I will definitely find out the murderer, but how about I hope to cooperate with you?"

Su Qinglan guessed that Tang Shaoqing really came to discuss cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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