Chapter 149
When Tang Shaoqing talked about cooperation, Su Qinglan didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he drank his tea slowly.

After drinking the tea, he slowly put down the teacup.

And Tang Shaoqing was not in a hurry, after all, since he was able to come here to find Su Qinglan, it meant that he was sure that Su Qinglan would definitely agree.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have handed over the murderer to them last night.

Therefore, Tang Shaoqing is very sure of Su Qinglan, and must be waiting for him to come over in person and talk about cooperation.

In fact, if they cooperate, there is no loss, but a win-win situation.

Although I don't know what Su Qinglan's purpose is, it must have a lot to do with this martial arts conference.

Of course, he didn't think that Su Qinglan came here for the position of the leader of the martial arts, because he felt that Su Qinglan didn't really have the need to grab the position of the leader of the martial arts.

After all, the Miracle Physician Palace has never had any dealings with people in the world, so it is impossible for her to come here for the position of a martial arts leader.

Since he didn't come here for the position of martial arts leader, there must be another reason.

And this reason is the reason for their cooperation.

He believed that Su Qinglan would definitely agree.

So, don't worry, drink tea slowly.

Seeing Tang Shaoqing's calm expression, Su Qinglan couldn't help laughing, and then asked Tang Shaoqing, "Master Shao, how do you want to cooperate?"

Tang Shaoqing said to Su Qinglan: "You are definitely not here for the position of the leader of the martial arts conference. So, I guess, you must also come for other things. In this way, we can cooperate directly."

Su Qinglan looked at Tang Shaoqing, a little surprised, "Young hall master came here for the position of martial arts leader?"

This is a bit of a surprise.

The meaning of Tang Shaoqing's words just now is already obvious, if it is not for the position of the leader of the martial arts, everyone can cooperate.

So, did Tang Shaoqing come this time for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance?
But, didn't it mean that Tang Shaoqing never valued the position of martial arts leader?

Why did he suddenly want to be the leader of this martial arts alliance?
Among them, what happened?

Tang Shaoqing smiled slightly, and said to Su Qinglan: "Everyone is here for the position of the leader of the martial arts, and of course I am no exception."

Su Qinglan said: "However, I heard that you have never been interested in the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. I am curious, what made you change your mind, and suddenly want to be the leader of the martial arts alliance?" Woolen cloth?"

Tang Shaoqing said directly to Su Qinglan: "Actually, I became the leader of the martial arts because I came here for one thing, and I really need that thing..."

Su Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly, "So, this is why you want to be the leader of the martial arts? I want to know, what is your reason for coming here?"

Tang Shaoqing said to Su Qinglan: "I'm sorry, it's not convenient for me to tell you about this at the moment. If I tell you, it may cause unnecessary trouble, so let's keep this matter a secret for the time being! If you agree to tell us If we cooperate, we may be able to tell you in the future what we need..."

In fact, without Tang Shaoqing saying anything, Su Qinglan had already guessed what Tang Shaoqing wanted.

It's just that she didn't expect that she and Tang Shaoqing came here for the same thing.

(End of this chapter)

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