Chapter 205
According to Su Qinglan's understanding of Su Ruoruo, it is impossible for her to think of such a strategy, unless someone is helping her behind the scenes.

The person who helped her is still a very powerful master, and the layout is also very powerful.

If there is a chance, I really want to compete with this person.

Su Qinglan saw that Xiao Yixuan hadn't left yet, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan: "I saw Baili Dengfeng today, and he even said he wanted to buy me a drink, but I refused."

Su Qinglan was a little surprised: "How did you meet him?"

Baili Dengfeng should know Xiao Yixuan's identity!

What does it mean that he wants to invite Xiao Yixuan to drink?

Could it be that you want to poach the wall?

That shouldn't be possible.

It can only be said that Baili Dengfeng is very strange.

Xiao Yixuan told Su Qinglan: "I saw it on the street. Baili Dengfeng Feiyue recognized me. I think this person is more difficult to deal with than Tang Shaoqing. You should not have too much contact with this person..."

It was rare for Su Qinglan to hear from Xiao Yixuan's mouth, but she was a little surprised when she praised Tang Shaoqing.

Su Qinglan said: "It seems that you have quite a big opinion on Baili Dengfeng."

Xiao Yixuan: "..."

Compared to Tang Shaoqing, that Baili Dengfeng is even more annoying, okay?
However, Xiao Yixuan did not say these words directly.

Instead, he said: "That Baili Dengfeng doesn't look like a good person. It's better for us to stay away from him."

Su Qinglan smiled, "Okay, just as you said, I didn't want to talk to him at first, but I didn't want to offend him either. After all, one more friend is better than one more enemy!"

Xiao Yixuan knew that what Su Qinglan said was very reasonable, but he instinctively disliked Baili Dengfeng.

Baili Dengfeng looked like a sinister villain.

Su Qinglan said to Xiao Yixuan: "Okay, I have my own decision in my heart, so there is no need to worry."

He knew that Xiao Yixuan was worried about himself.

She felt that this was really unnecessary!

Xiao Yixuan could only turn around and leave in the end.

In the middle of the night, in the dead of night, Xiao Yixuan stood guard outside the Wulin League.

At this moment, a man in black suddenly spun down again and directly broke into the Wulin League.

Xiao Yixuan felt that this masked man regarded the Wulin League as his direct home!

Who is this person?

He runs to the Wulin League every day for nothing, what is he going to do?

Although Xiao Yixuan felt it was unbelievable, he still followed the man in black into the martial arts league.

The man in black quickly entered the room of the martial arts leader.

Xiao Yixuan has been here a few times and knows that this is the place where the martial arts leader lives.

This man in black must have an inseparable relationship with the martial arts leader.


Should he go in and catch someone and get all the stolen goods?

But think about it, it's better not to startle the snake, otherwise, it's easy to be bitten back.

Xiao Yixuan didn't break in, instead he watched the situation quietly and waited to see what happened.

As a result, the man in black never came out.

He kept watch all night, and at dawn, he left in order not to be discovered.

But he really didn't notice that the man in black came out.

He just stared at it all night.

This is very strange.

Xiao Yixuan went back and told Su Qinglan about this matter.

Su Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly, "You mean, after you followed the man in black into the martial arts leader's room, you have been guarding outside and never left, and he never came out? "

Xiao Yixuan nodded, "That's right, that's it. I suspect that the man in black is very likely to be the martial arts leader himself."

(End of this chapter)

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