Chapter 206 Su Ruoruo's Purpose
Su Qinglan pondered for a while, then asked Xiao Yixuan, "Then why do you think the martial arts leader ran out at night? He doesn't know, are there many people watching outside now?"

"Unless, there is something very important and he has to go out?
But what is so important, if his identity is really discovered,

Then his reputation will be ruined throughout his life. Why do you think he would take such a risk? "

Xiao Yixuan said: "Could it be because of some agreement reached with certain people that they go out every night to discuss things?"

Su Qinglan thought for a while, "What you said is not impossible, but I don't think the matter should be so simple. I believe there is another reason, but we haven't found the reason yet. "

"Only by capturing the man in black can we know his true identity."

Xiao Yixuan looked at Su Qinglan, and instantly understood Su Qinglan's meaning, "You mean, if necessary, I can catch him and bring him back for interrogation?"

Su Qinglan nodded, "Well! I'll leave this matter to you, but this matter must be resolved quickly, we can't wait any longer, and the martial arts conference will be held soon..."

Xiao Yixuan understood, "Okay, don't worry! Leave it to me."

Xiao Yixuan soon discovered that someone was following him, and he was very careful.

Not just one group of people, but two groups of people are following him.

Xiao Yixuan felt that he was about to become a sweet potato!Otherwise, how could there be so many people following him?

It is impossible to follow him.

Xiao Yixuan deliberately walked into the crowd and walked into the inn.

The group of people quickly followed, only to find that Xiao Yixuan was nowhere to be seen.

"How is this possible? I saw him coming in, so I hurriedly looked around, and I absolutely must not lose him."

Xiao Yixuan smiled, and swaggered out of the inn.

It turned out that he sneaked into a room, put on a guest's suit of clothes and changed into it, and swaggered past those who were following him.

They didn't notice it at all.

Xiao Yixuan turned around and left, throwing all these people away.

And those people lost Xiao Yixuan's trace, so they had no choice but to go back and explain to Baili Feiyue.

Baili was very angry, "You bunch of useless things, you didn't even watch a single person, didn't I tell you,

He is very vigilant, did you follow him carefully?
Even if you lose people like this, you still have the face to come back? "

The Baiyue sect disciples who were being scolded all lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

Baili Dengfeng came in and said to those disciples: "You all go down! You have nothing to do here."

Baili Feiyue looked at Baili Dengfeng and said, "Brother, they still lost him."

Baili Dengfeng said: "Isn't this a normal thing? You asked these ordinary disciples to follow. This is a very absurd thing. Why do you think others can't find it?
You should be lucky, why, he didn't follow you back, otherwise, he would be able to know right away who is following him. "

Baili Feiyue was startled when he heard Baili Dengfeng's words, "Brother, this matter is indeed my negligence, if you want to punish, punish me!
It's all my fault that I didn't remind the people below, so they lost him. "

(End of this chapter)

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