Chapter 127 Small Town 28:615

Piao Piao put her hands behind her back, humming a little song, and walked leisurely towards the street with small steps.

The old man walking the birds in the community is not as leisurely as her.

On the way, Piao Piao was surprised to find that the task progress had increased!

From the original 2/15 to 5/15! !
Who is so awesome, completed three tasks at once!

She quickened her pace, only a little faster than the old man.

As soon as he reached the intersection, Andre threw himself on the ground and grinned, saliva covering Yang Jie's face.

Piao Piao slapped his forehead!
Where is the paw of this silly dog!

Even worse!

This dog is in need for the time being.

Piao Piao's disgusted face was wrinkled into a bun, and he quickly put away Andre, slandering in his heart:
Just knowing that it is lustful, I never thought that anyone who came would not be rejected.

When we return to the real world, we must give it a big cleaning.


Yang Jie was walking well on the road, but suddenly heard something calling behind her.

As soon as he turned his head, his ass was bitten violently!
The ass was bitten through, and she lost her voice in an instant due to the pain, and her eyes almost popped out.

It's a giant dog!

She ran away in panic and fright, but who knew that the big dog was biting her tightly, and fell to the ground without running.

His mouth was still on the ground, and a front tooth fell out.

She wanted to run away, she would die if bitten by such a big dog!
She was struggling to crawl away,

At this time, the big dog patted her forehead with its paw, and the head that had just been raised was in close contact with the ground again.

Unfortunately, the other front tooth also fell out.

Blood flowed from her mouth and pooled in a small pool on the ground.

The big dog turned her over with its paws, and then slapped her face with one paw.

Only then did she see the appearance of the big dog clearly, its hair was black without any impurities.

Sharp teeth, fierce eyes.

Yang Jie's eyes turned black instantly, and she was about to step back with her elbows on the ground, when the Tibetan mastiff disappeared...

She patted her chest with lingering fear, her breathing was unsteady, she got up covering her mouth, and saw Piao Piao who was walking towards her.

After glaring at Piao Piao, he scrambled and ran away.

Piao Piao whistled behind her, "Unlucky!"

Yang Jie, "..."

Ning Qinhua is teaching Xiao Ming how to chop pork, "This chopping pork is just like chopping people. There is one word: fast, precise and ruthless!"

Xiao Ming held up the kitchen knife with a face of resistance, "That's three words."

Ning Qinhua waved her hands indifferently, "Don't pay attention to these details."

Xiao Ming took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and chopped it off with a knife.

His expression is more resistant than letting Wang Mouze eat bugs.

In front of Uncle Wang's stall next door, four or five men and women gathered together.

Uncle Wang, "He? I remember him as... Wait, I have to think about it. He died a long time ago, so I don't remember clearly."

Uncle Wang frowned and rubbed his chin, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, "Oh, I remembered!"

"You live in the house on the farthest east, right? Hey, he was the first one to die."

"I'm only 18 years old. I heard that his parents are so strict that he can't do anything except study all day long."

"Study during the day, study at night, get up early and stay late, and occasionally get No. 2 in the exam, and the fuck will beat and scold."

"There was too much pressure on the eve of the college entrance examination, and his parents pushed him downstairs, and no one cares about him since then!"

Someone asked, "Huh? He died too? This is the fourth one."

Uncle Wang nodded, "Isn't it? This kid always likes to sing against others."

"At first we didn't know that we couldn't go to the back mountain. It's not that someone died out of curiosity. Since then, we have made a rule that we can't go to the back mountain."

"He didn't believe in evil, so he insisted on going. No, he died too, and no one dared to collect the corpse."

Piao Piao suddenly discovered that the task progress had increased again, this time it became 6/15.

(End of this chapter)

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