Chapter 128 Small Town 29:


"That's really scary. Two people died when they went out during the day, and another two died when they went to the back mountain." Someone concluded.

Uncle Wang nodded, "Yes, yes, you must abide by our rules! This is a lesson learned from blood!"

"Definitely!" Everyone echoed.

Fluttering scratched her head, "..." She's not a ghost, she doesn't obey the rules here!
"Why do you want to come to our Happy Town?" Uncle Wang asked, "Whether Happy Town is good, there is one thing, you can't get out after entering."

That's because your tombs are all here!

This is your home!
Piaopiao's clever little head Guazi has figured out a lot of things now.

Those so-called rules are only relative to ghosts.

Why can't you go out during the day, because ghosts are afraid of the sun!
And you can't wear red, after all, funerals are black and white, and red is used for weddings.

Ah... But isn't there still a female ghost in red?Could it be that it is not a species?
The only question is why you will die if you go to the back mountain.

These ghosts do not know that they are dead.

Then it might be, go to the back mountain to find out the fact that they are dead!

What disappeared in the back mountain, or will they disappear as long as they find out that they are ghosts?
This matter remains to be explored.

They learned from Uncle Wang that although Happy Town is said to have a total of 15 households.

Excluding one household of the mayor and four households that died, there are 10 households left in total.

After removing the family of Liu Laosan who disappeared, there are still nine households.

The difficulty of the task is instantly cut in half.

After bidding farewell to Uncle Wang, someone organized a discussion about the task.

Piao Piao rescued Xiao Ming from the pork.

Sitting in the middle of the intersection, Xiao Ming's face was as pale as paper, "Fortunately you are here, God knows how terrible it is to be alone with a ghost."

Piao Piao smiled slightly, "You still live in the ghost's house!"

Xiao Ming rolled his eyes in fright, "...don't say it, don't say it, I'm going to pass out!"

There were seven remaining players, and the seven sat in a circle.

Piao Piao asked curiously, "Why do you suddenly remember to do a task?"

It was very Buddhist before.

"Isn't this seeing the progress of the mission and not dying? I know the first one, but who did the second one?"

The speaker Piao Piao remembered that his name was Li Guohao.

Impressive because it was gas blown to death.

Piao Piao raised her hand, "What about me, how about you? You are so good, you finished four in just a short while!"

Piao Piao praised without hesitation.

Li Guohao smiled shyly, "Because I decided to do the task, I went to look for it, and found that there are only two residents in the place where I live."

After inquiring, I found out that the other two were dead.

After learning that a resident died, the quest progress was automatically increased.

"Hey? So we just need to kill them all to complete the mission!"

Someone suggested it and someone mocked, "Go and kill them all, and I will go out and find you as a godfather."


"We still have to do the mission seriously, but we also heard them talk about the reasons for happiness. The progress of the mission has not changed, so what should we do?"

Liu Laosan thought that he killed his cheating wife, but actually killed his son by mistake.

Li Mengzi's family thought they killed her man, but in fact, their family was revenged.

It seems that the cause of death is contrary to the cognition of these ghosts.

Piao Piao tentatively said, "Ning Qinhua found out that her husband was cheating, and was chopped into pieces by his husband?"

[Exploration progress: 7/15]
Piao Piao was shocked, "Really!!!"

In this case, she remembered that when she went to Ning Qinhua's bedroom a few days ago, Ning Qinhua was not there, only this piece of meat.

Is that what Ning Qinhua looks like when she dies? !

(End of this chapter)

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