Really tie Q, the soft beauty is hugged and coaxed by the monster

Chapter 303 Horror House 60: Self-destruction

Chapter 303 Horror House 60: Self-destruction (End)

[Scary value +1000]
Piao Piao just regretted it. If she knew that a single sentence could give her so much horror value, why did she spend so much effort? ?

Having said that, just saying that Jiang Qingchuan knows the truth can break her defenses like this.

What else did she do that was too much?

"Impossible! Impossible..." Jiang Rong shook her head in a daze, and slapped herself, "You're lying to me, aren't you?"

"I lied to you!"

Piao Piao stood up, frowning away from the mad woman.

"So that's the case. No wonder accidents always happen every time I kill him. I thought it was because my cultivation was too low."

"Heh, heh, liars, they are all liars!" Jiang Rong went crazy.No matter what, he rushed forward.

"Blame me, blame me for not killing him when I gouged out his eyes to let him grow up!"

"Blame me for not using up all the poison the first time!"

As she said that, she threw herself towards Piao Piao regardless, "Even if I die, I will drag you on my back!"

But her body was controlled by Jiang Qingchuan, and she couldn't move.

Piao Piao's head was buzzing, and only one sentence disturbed her nerves: Jiang Qingchuan's eyes were gouged out by Jiang Rong.

Jiang Rong was right, Jiang Qingchuan is a liar!

What kind of fire burned her eyes, it was all a lie to her!
Piao Piao was inexplicably angry, puffed her cheeks and put her foot on Jiang Rong's face, "Shut up!"

During this period, Jiang Qingchuan and Xiu, who did nothing to help except control Jiang Rong's body, flew over from a distance.

"Kill it."

Jiang Qingchuan opened those dark pupils, and issued an ultimatum.

Piao Piao has moved to the edge of the grape trellis.

Pulled out a root.

The horror value exploded again, breaking through the [-] mark.

And there is a continuing upward trend.

[The task is completed, the player will leave the instance in five seconds, please prepare. ]
Piao Piao panicked for a second, angry that Jiang Qingchuan lied to her, but he didn't want to leave without knowing why.

[Fives! ]
Jiang Qingchuan seemed to have expected something, teleported to Piao Piao's side, hooked her waist, "You have to go!"

He said with certainty.

[Four! ]
[three! ]
[two! ]
[one! ]
"Jiang Qingchuan, just wait for me!" Piao Piao gritted her teeth and said a word!

The touch of the branches disappeared instantly, and Jiang Qingchuan's pupils shrank.

Xiu also disappeared together...

how come……

Did Piao Piao leave him?
Who are they!

Only him and the dying Jiang Rong were left around.

It is midsummer, the moonlight is just right, and the sky is full of stars.

Jiang Qingchuan felt like falling into an ice cellar.

Without warning.

She went without warning.

Just disappeared suddenly.

Jiang Rong stretched out her hand, with a desire to survive in her eyes.



Jiang Qingchuan removed her limbs, gouged out her eyes, and hung her on a grape trellis.

He set fire to it.

The fire was blazing, and he stood in the center of the flames, and the fire reflected half of his face with the runes.


Watching Jiang Rong turn into ashes, Jiang Qingchuan returned to the cemetery he had prepared for himself.

That's right, the cemetery.

What do not want to die.

What is it that Jiang Rong wants him to live.

He tricked Piao Piao.

He never gave up on death.

Even if you meet Piao Piao.

He just hasn't built the cemetery yet.

Piao Piao may have shaken his idea of ​​suicide, but Xiu's appearance made him more determined to commit suicide.

He has a premonition that death is not the destination, and he will meet Piao Piao again.

The palm was placed on the grass, with his palm as the center, cracks began to appear in the surrounding land.

Below the crack is an endless abyss.

Jiang Qingchuan manipulated the wheelchair and jumped into the abyss.

Merge with the darkness.

The sky is shaking, and the moon and stars are rare.

(End of this chapter)

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