Chapter 304


Jiang Qingchuan's eyes were not burned.

Of course, it wasn't Jiang Rong who dug it out, she didn't have that ability.

His eyes were forcibly gouged out by himself with his nails.

When I met Jiang Rong for the first time, humans were still wearing robes and braids.

He had just taken human form then.

Out of curiosity, I went to the human world to play.

That was his first time in the human world.

He is full of curiosity about everything, human language, human shops, and human entertainment.

But he has no money.

No money for eating human snacks.

He was reported to the officer and arrested. In order to compensate, he was assigned to do hard labor at Yuanwai's home.

Outsiders are not a good thing.

Search the people for food and grass, and rob the people's daughters by force.

He once saw with his own eyes that Yuanwai ordered someone to hang the maid who had been bullied and died on the grape trellis for public display.

Because the servant girl refused to obey, she was locked in the room by the staff, and he saw more than a dozen guards taking turns entering and leaving the room.

The grape trellis absorbed the blood of resentment.


At that time, she was just a grape trellis.

When resting that night, Jiang Qingchuan suddenly realized that something was wrong with him.

The ends of his eyes were burning, as if they were going to burn him to death.

The pain didn't last long, and when he regained his strength, he suddenly felt the creases at the end of his eyes.

not only that.

The end of the eye began to rot, and there was a shallow line of writing on the rotten place.

He had never seen the text before, but unexpectedly he could understand the content above.

It recorded how he saw the maidservant die unjustly today.

Xiu Zeng lied all over his mouth, saying that he could read the writing on his body.

Maybe he really recognizes it, but the things on him are definitely not the "beauty tricks" he said and so on!
He didn't bother to talk to him.

In the next few days, he discovered that all the grievances he saw would cause another rot on his body.

There are also unfamiliar words.

Later, the flames of war raged, and he was in pain every day.

Half of the body rotted away.

He will be affected by these things to some extent, and his mood will become more and more dull.

He didn't want to die at first.

Just want to gouge out the eyes.

Wouldn't it be nice if he couldn't see the world?
He found a no-man's land, and used his nails to dig out the outline of the eyes.

Just at this moment, Jiang Rong appeared, and without a word, helped him to pull out his eyeballs...

That psychopath still wants to kill him?
In order to absorb his cultivation? ?
Seeing that she couldn't kill him, because he couldn't see her, she actually said it was his mother? ? ?
Full of lies!

of course.

Nothing he said to Piao Piao was true.

ashamed ashamed.

How could a fire burn the eyeballs completely?

So fluttering, she believed everything he said.

The fire is not the flames of war, but a fire he set himself.

The corpses in the forest piled up in mountains, and it is said that tens of thousands of people died.

After being invisible, the body did not continue to rot.

But the smelly corpse has seriously affected his life!

He set a fire and burned the bodies.

Jiang Rong wanted to burn him to death, and took the opportunity to ignite the entire forest...

Human beings are busy fighting wars, how can they have time to fight fires?
A rain was long overdue, and the forest had already burned to the ground.

The first time I wanted to commit suicide was when human beings were not allowed to become refined after promulgating the proposal.

He just felt really miserable.

It's too awful.

His body is rotten and his home is gone.

Better to die.

Later, the monsters opened up a space, and he reproduced the appearance of the forest after it was burned.

He intends to build the most prosperous cemetery for himself there.

If you were unsatisfactory in life, you must treat yourself better after death.

Flowers, grass, and the deep abyss hidden under the grass are indispensable.

However, with the grass, there is the abyss.

Where are the flowers?

He will not bloom.

Later, there were also flowers.

520 flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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