Chapter 305

[Scary value +10000]
The windows were ajar and the breeze was blowing.

Piao Piao tucked a strand of hair blown by the wind behind her ear.

His mind was filled with the numbers that appeared above Jiang Qingchuan's head before he left.


There are still 2 minutes before class, and I am still in a deep sleep when I come back, and it is now when I wake up.

If you don't leave, it will be too late.

Xiu hadn't woken up yet, so she didn't have time to ask what Jiang Rong said.

After leaving a note, she fluttered back to the classroom.

After Piao Piao left, the person on the bed in the rest area suddenly opened his eyes.

The fundus of the eyes is clear, where does it look like just waking up?

Qingming is mixed with deep regret.

Jiang Qingchuan thought about meeting each other, but who would have thought that they would meet in this way? ?
We are old acquaintances...

I just regret running the train with my mouth full.

He just didn't want her to know his sad past.

Wiping his face expressionlessly, he put on his shoes and came to the desk.

There is only one sentence on the A4 paper:

I'll write things down before school, don't wait for me to cut you!

Jiang Qingchuan, "..."


he writes.

He has to bear with beating the daughter-in-law he chooses!

Fortunately, there is no class in the afternoon, and he has plenty of time.


Piao Piao was really going to die of anger.

Fortunately, she believed in what he said.

Burning eyeballs...

Piao Piao was angry all afternoon in class.

But she has an advantage. When she gets angry, she wants to find something to do. In school, the only thing she can do is to study!
In a fit of anger, she finished a book of physics exercises in the afternoon.

The tablemate was dumbfounded, and clapped his hands and called the boss.

After school, Piao Piao was immersed in doing the questions.

As soon as the bell rang, he rushed to the school gate with his small schoolbag on his back.

As for Jiang Qingchuan?
Love it!

It was Song Nanyi who came to pick her up in the afternoon.

He wears a white mask and leans against a black Cayenne.

Seeing her coming out, he immediately went up to take the schoolbag in her hand, and the lying silkworm was obvious at the moment, "How does it feel to go to school? Have you made any friends?"

"It's okay," Piao Piao walked around the car and walked towards the co-pilot.

When she got to the front of the car, she stopped slowly, looking at the car that was holding back in a circle, her jaw was so shocked that she couldn't close her jaw.

"Brother, did you have a car accident???"

Song Nanyi remained calm, took her by the wrist and walked to the car door, opened the car door and placed his hand on the roof to prevent her from hitting her head.

"Well, at the red light, a car ran out of control and ran into it. Fortunately, my brother was lucky. Just a second after the car hit, a large truck on the left side ran out of control and knocked over the car. Your brother and I escaped unharmed. "

Piao Piao, "..." That's really lucky...

It may not be as simple as luck.

It is estimated that Bai Ze's hair is at work.

Piao Piao sat on the co-pilot, put on his seat belt, and pulled off the purse from his waist.

Sure enough, one of the white hairs had been reduced to ashes.

Piao Piao sighed, and tied the purse around his waist again.

The car started, fluttering out of the corner of the eye, just in time to see Xiu(?) chasing him.

She lowered the car window and waved her hand in Xiu's direction.

The corners of the lips raised slightly, silently saying goodbye, "Goodbye~"

It's still Jiang Qingchuan's Xiu, "..."

Song Nanyi took a quick look in the direction where she was waving. There were too many people, and there were quite a few people looking towards them. For a while, he couldn't tell who she was saying goodbye to.

"Is it Piao Piao's new friend?" He looked at the road again.

Piao Piao blinked and blinked, "No, he's a fool."

The idiot Jiang Qingchuan watched Piao Piao until he couldn't see it, and put the hand behind his back, holding a wrinkled white paper.

There is only one thought in his head now:
Do not live by sin.

I can only wait to add her WeChat at night to explain.

Hope Piao Piao can agree to his friend application.

(End of this chapter)

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