Chapter 328 Dark Believer 20: Jealousy


Not only that, but there are no humans on the seventh floor.

Phyllis rarely paused, hesitating to speak, "Second floor...the master on the second"

After talking for a long time, I couldn't tell why.

to be frank?That must be a bad word.

Lord Satan can hear it, and Lord Satan will definitely make trouble for him at that time, and he can't afford to bet.

Tell lies?
I'm sorry, Lord Satan's temper, even a heartless demon, can't bear to deceive these weak humans.

Sun Yin glared at Felice angrily, "Where is the sixth floor?"

Phyllis fell silent for a moment.

"..." Piao Piao felt embarrassed for her.

"My lord, what did you 'pee pee pee' just now?" Phyllis pursed her lips to imitate the posture of fluttering and whistling, and changed the subject reasonably.

Piao Piao blinked her big eyes, and a string of smooth notes flowed in her mouth.

Phyllis clapped his hands together, "Yes, yes, this is it!"

Piao Piao curled the corners of her lips, "Lonely brave man, do you want to learn? I'll teach you!"

One person and one demon squatted on the ground, one demon dared to learn, and one human dared to teach.

Next to her, Zhao Lei sang from time to time, "I love you walking in a dark alley alone, I love the way you don't kneel."


Different from Piao Piao's leisurely, Sun Yin was going to explode with anger.

What's so good about two women besides being prettier than her?One has no flesh on his body, and the other looks stiff and dull at first glance.

Can Kung Fu be as good as her?

She was thinking about how to please the devil and try to survive.

"Lord Lucifer, the envoy on the fifth floor asks to see you," the guard opened the stair door, and the sturdy red-faced devil bent down and saluted with a chain in his hand.

The red-faced demon is only one meter tall, with a pointy tail quivering behind him.

During luggage, binding, and leading the way, I didn't say a word.

The third-tier envoy followed closely, "Oh, why is it so quiet today?"

"Ouch, Phyllis, what popped out of your mouth?"

"Lord Lucifer is still handsome today!"

"The aura of humans on the third floor is so pure today, I haven't seen such a clean human being for a long time."

He led the human beings belonging to the third floor and babbled endlessly.

From the time he came in to the time he left Piao Piao, he never saw his mouth idle.

The old lady was assigned to the fourth floor, and before she left, she was secretly stuffing things into her bosom.

Phyllis has already proficiently played the "Lonely Brave" and proudly showed it in the ears of the remaining humans.

The envoys from the sixth floor did not come for a long time.

Phyllis didn't show any impatience, but Piao Piao was a little sleepy.

His head sank slowly, and he was suddenly awakened by the falling posture.

Over and over again, the sleepy bug fell for her.

As soon as Lucifer raised his hand, Fluttering floated up from the ground and landed on his lap.

Gently patted her on the back and comforted her softly, "Go to sleep, lean on my shoulder and sleep for a while."

Piao Piao Wenyan grabbed his neck, hooked his legs around his waist, and buried his head in his neck.

" smell so good..."

Sun Yin's eyes were burning.

She always thought that Song Piaopiao hooked up with Felice.

It turned out to be hooking up with Lucifer!

Why is she?Why!
He wanted to kill countless men, from as young as [-] to break up with his girlfriend for her, and as high as [-] old men divorced his wife because of her.

How could she lose to a woman who wants meat but has no meat.

What's more, she didn't even know when she lost!
Sun Yin didn't know why, when she encountered such a situation before, she would definitely find an opportunity to get close to Lucifer, pretend to be weak, and provoke their relationship.

But today, she just wanted to tear Song Piaopiao's face apart immediately!

"Lucifer, I'm here? Will humans keep it for me?"

Before anyone arrives, the sound arrives first.

The person who came had enchanting red hair and frowned, "Tom was killed by Satan, so I can only come here by myself."

 Sins of Envy: Leviathan

(End of this chapter)

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