Really tie Q, the soft beauty is hugged and coaxed by the monster

Chapter 329 Dark Believer 21: Jealousy——Leviathan

Chapter 329 Dark Believer 21: Jealousy——Leviathan

"Hush, Leviathan, keep your voice down, Piao Piao fell asleep."

Perhaps in order to confirm Lucifer's words, Piao Piao hummed softly.

Leviathan frowned, and his voice was cold, "When did Piao Piao come? Why did she only look for you and not me?"

Lucifer could smell the sour smell across the steps.

He asked back, "Why are you looking for me?"

Leviathan's eyes darkened, and he snorted coldly, "Don't think I don't know that you want to hide Piao Piao secretly."

Lucifer raised his eyebrows, he really didn't have this idea.

Otherwise, Beelzebub and Leviathan would not know Piao Piao's existence.

"Alright, don't wake Piao Piao."

"Hmm~" Piao Piao exhaled foul breath, rubbed his eyes, "Lucifer, I'm already awake."

The sweet little milk sound made the two men's breathing stagnate.

Looking at each other, they both saw desire in each other's eyes.

Piao Piao squinted her eyes and took a breath before raising her head, "Lucifer, who are you talking to?"

Lucifer liked hearing her call his name very much, the short three words always made his heart tremble, especially at night.

"A friend, will you sleep again? Be good."

As he spoke, Lucifer stroked her back gently, dripping water softly.

Leviathan didn't dare to breathe, just looked at the familiar sleeping face.

Without blinking.

At the same time, my heart couldn't stop sour water pouring out.

He also wanted to hug Piao Piao, to wrap his arms around her waist, to kiss her lips, and to let her sit on him.

Thinking of this, Leviathan took a step back.

"Lucifer, what do you want to do?"

Lucifer pointed his fingers at his temples and curled his lips, "I want to... kill you."

His malice made no secret.

What a coincidence.

Leviathan wanted to kill other people too.

But Leviathan has always been more patient than him, because of his personality, he knows how to control his emotions better than Lucifer.

He stretched out his neck, "No, kill."

Kill him, kill him soon.

In this way, he will definitely make Piao Piao angry, because any one of them will die.

Fluttering mission will fail!
"Oh, the eighth floor is so lively, Lucifer, Leviathan, why don't you invite me?"

The blond boy floated in the air, and the trident in his hand emitted a faint purple light.

Leviathan snorted, "Beelzebub, your pants fell off."

Beelzebub didn't believe his nonsense, "I'll bring some food for Piao Piao."

He said it was food delivery, but he had nothing in his hand except a trident.

Lucifer covered Piao Piao's ears, and stared at Beelzebub coldly, "Don't dig out your eyes!"

Beelzebub shut up.

Piao Piao, "..."

Piao Piao couldn't fall asleep anymore, and the sight of Leviathan behind her was extremely oppressive.

Like sitting on pins and needles.

He knew she wasn't asleep, and kept staring at the back of her head.

Piao Piao had no choice but to raise her head, "Lucifer..."

He only said three words, and for a moment it was like a glow on his back, and for a moment it was like being stared at by a cold poison.

The poison was spitting out snake letters, and his cold eyes circled around her.

The fluttering sound gradually disappeared, and it was buried between Lucifer's neck again, and the hands around his back were slowly tightened.

Met three avatars.

Only Lucifer is the gentlest.

She didn't realize it herself, she became more and more dependent on Lucifer.

The strings in Leviathan's mind are on the verge of collapse, and if he watches Piao Piao and Lucifer get closer like this, he may not be able to control himself and make some wrong moves.

Taking a step forward and pressing the back of Piao Piao's head, he tried to keep his tone calm, "Did I wake Piao Piao up? I apologize, Piao Piao don't get angry, okay?"

  Another west



(End of this chapter)

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