Chapter 368 I'm Autistic

After 18 years of illness, Piao Piao finally recovered. On the second day after the exam, she went on a trip with Song's father and mother Song, who had taken "annual leave".

Two months of self-driving tour from north to south.

The only regret is that I can't see the ice city in the northeast in summer.

She had been looking forward to it for a long time, and decided to go there during the winter vacation.

A family of four returned the week before school started.

On the second day after they came back, Papa Song and Song Nanyi piled up work for nearly two months, and rushed to the company without stopping after returning.

Mother Song also went to the banquet because she didn't get together with her little sister for a long time.

There is no suspense for Piao Piao to apply for the local university.

On this day, she took a taxi home after visiting the school in advance.

Song's father and Song's mother hadn't come back yet, so they sent the taxi away, Piaopiao hummed a little song, and walked to the door of their own house with the keys.

The door is a fingerprint lock.

The door opened with a "beep", and at the same time, there was a rustling sound from the side of the door.

Piao Piao's body tensed up.

There is a uniquely designed grass outside the Song family's separate villa, and the trees and grass are shaking at this moment.

Piao Piao took out the anti-wolf electric baton from his pocket, and slowly approached the grass.

After seeing the things in the grass, she felt like a dog beeping in her heart.

"What are you doing?"

The man's waist-length hair is tied up with a wooden hairpin, and he is tied with a white ancient costume belt.

He hid in the grass, holding a stick.

There is a small circle on the land in front of you.

Xiu Wenyan raised his head, facing the sun, the sun was dazzling, but not half as good as the girl in front of him.

"I'm autistic," he said.

Piao Piao, "..."

Piao Piao looked left and right, seeing that no one was paying attention, she quickly pulled Xiu up.

What a shame! !

In the Song family's living room.

After Piao Piao pushed the poured water in front of him, she sat on the sofa opposite.

Erlang's legs are crossed, with a toothpick in his mouth.


Explain why it disappeared and why it reappeared now.

Xiu picked up the water glass and took a sip, "Busy! It's not that I have prepared myself mentally, cleaned the palace, planted small white flowers, and prepared the betrothal gift before I have time to chase someone."

Piao Piao frowned, "What dowry?"

Cultivation froze, "...I think you have a good word here."

Piao Piao raised her chin to signal him to continue.

Xiu curled his lips and stared straight at her, with a smile in his eyes, "Son-in-law."

Piao Piao, "..."

How did he speak so confidently?
I really want to splash a glass of water on his face.

"Just kidding," Xiu sat up straight, got up and sat next to her, raised his eyebrows under her puzzled gaze, "can I chase you now?"

Piao Piao let out a "huh" and let it go.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement."

Piao Piao, "..."

damn thing.

But she really didn't want to refuse, just teasing him.

"Is Lucifer here?" Piao Piao grabs his hair and rubs it randomly as if venting her anger, until the long hair becomes a bird's nest before stopping.

As soon as Lucifer was mentioned, Xiu fell silent, "Don't mention the stupid things I did before."

Sometimes, once I recall the stupid things I did before, I wish I could go back in time and give myself a slap in the face.

Eat your own jealousy, calculate yourself.

Relying on his lack of memory, he still bullies Piao Piao, making her think she is the king of the sea.

Also scared her.

Every time I dream back at midnight, I think about what I did in the middle of the night, Mad, he really deserves to die.

So, after preparing everything, he came to apologize non-stop.

 Song's father and Song's mother have always only had surnames but no names——

(End of this chapter)

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