
Song's father didn't expect to hear that a man was chasing his daughter as soon as he got home.

Are you kidding me, his daughter is only 19 years old.

She is just a baby over two hundred months old!
How can there be a baby who falls in love early?
Papa Song opened the door and saw the two people with their butts sticking to their butts getting angry for no reason.

"Piao Piao, come here."

He put the briefcase on the porch and waved to Piao Piao.

Piao Piao Pi Dian Pi Dian ran over, suppressing that guilty conscience, "Dad, why are you back?"

Papa Song snorted coldly, "How do you know you brought a man home if you don't come back?"


Trimming her clothes, she tried her best to show the most kind smile, "Hi Uncle, let me introduce myself, I am Xiu, Piao Piao's suitor."

In fact, a man who does not know how old is not at all ashamed to call him uncle.

Papa Song rolled his eyes and looked Xiu up and down.

The man is dressed in an ancient costume, with chicken nest hair on his head, his clothes are messy and unkempt!
Playing cosplay?

The more he looked at this strangely dressed man, the more he disliked him. Papa Song really wanted to open the door and invite him out.

Good upbringing made him hold back.

He first called Song's mother who was partying outside, and then urged Song Nanyi to go home quickly.

after an hour.

Five people sat in the living room of the Song family's villa, and Song Nanyi critically looked at the man sitting upright.

The younger sister even brought people home, saying that she didn't have any ideas, he didn't believe it.

She is so innocent, they have to check her.

Song Nanyi, "Name?"


Xiu's palms broke out in cold sweat. He always did what he wanted, and this was the first time he was facing the link of meeting his parents.

He could just leave, because Piao Piao liked this family very much, he had to do superficial work.

Papa Song didn't like anything about him, "Age?"

Facing a family checking their household registration, Xiu took out the excuse he had prepared a long time ago, "It's 22."

At the age of 22, he has just reached the legal age of marriage, and has not widened the gap with Piao Piao.

"What work do you do now?"

I was a math teacher a year ago, but now I am a black household.

Xiu, "...no job, currently a vagrant."

Song's father, Song's mother and Song Nanyi were silent together, and Song's mother smiled to smooth things over, "Did you just graduate?"

Papa Song frowned, feeling something was wrong.

"Do you have a house? Do you have a car? Do you have a million-dollar gift? My daughter was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. An ordinary family can't afford her, and we don't want her to suffer with you!"

Piao Piao sat obediently by the side, and she nodded once Papa Song said something.

There is money and housing, but that was all an hour ago.

He was still in the palace an hour ago.

Xiu, "I don't have a house or a car, maybe I want to be a door-to-door son-in-law?"


Without a house or a car, how could he have the nerve to say the words "son-in-law at home"?

His daughter has never seen much of the world, so don't be fooled by him.

Love brain is not necessary.

Song's mother cut off Song's father, "Don't be so harsh, what if the child just graduated and hasn't found a job yet?"

Papa Song thought about it too. These days, college students are unemployed after graduation, and it is really difficult to find a job.

His company's academic qualifications all start with a master's degree.

Otherwise, it is from a top university.

"What degree? Which university did you graduate from?"

Xiu just regretted it, and was busy looking for Piao Piao after he came out, how could he think that chasing someone is so complicated!

He should have sorted everything out before coming back.

A year ago, he had been Piao Piao's math teacher, and after leaving, he cleared everyone's memory.

Job gone, identity gone.


Fortunately they did not investigate him.

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