
"Graduated from University B..."

Xiu made a little fuss, he just needs to hold Papa Song back to investigate him, and then he can forge his identity.

Or modify the memories of the Song family after forging, but this is not very ethical.

He doesn't care about other people's immorality, and things need to be carefully considered when it comes to Piao Piao.

B big senior prestigious school.

Papa Song's face softened a lot when he heard "B Big", "Young man, you still have to fight hard, and you will be safe when you get old."

No money is not terrible, their family has money.

The terrible thing is that young people are not self-motivated.

Xiu repeatedly nodded, "I understand."

Piao Piao held the pink Pleasant Goat water glass, blinked her big eyes, "Do you have any ideas for making money?"

There are many ways to make money, you must find the one that suits you.

He can start a business, but he doesn't have the start-up capital, and he is too embarrassed to ask Piao Piao for it, otherwise Papa Song's opinion of him will only be even greater.

After thinking about it, based on his understanding of the world, the entertainment industry is the quickest to make money.

He doesn't go.

I heard that the entertainment industry is a big dye vat, and with his "simple" temperament, it is estimated that there will be no dregs left when he goes in.

No way, who made him handsome.

It is estimated that there must be rich women and directors who have taken a fancy to him when he goes in. He can deal with them, but he will be annoyed if there are too many people.

Xiu here has not yet entered the entertainment industry, and the rich woman who has already made up her mind to walk around trembles wants to take care of him.

No, no, just thinking of them standing in front of him makes me want to vomit.

This is not the point, the point is that there may be people who can take all men and women.

In order to protect his pure body, he first excluded the entertainment industry.

Seeing him immersed in his own world, Papa Song didn't urge him.

He won't say let him into his company.

If you want to chase his daughter, how can you rely on his help?Men still have their own careers.

Xiu thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a reason.

He is now in desperate need of a quick way to earn start-up capital to start a business.

Mother Song wanted to keep Xiu to have dinner together.

She didn't have as much opinion as Papa Song, but she didn't want to see him too much. It was purely polite to keep him.

Song Nanyi had a straight temper, and directly opened his mouth to chase people away.

Piao Piao watched the bustle and flew up, ignoring Xiu You's resentful gaze and laughing eyes all disappeared.

Xiu had no choice but to leave.


The freshman always starts school one week earlier than the seniors to prepare for military training.

Piao Piao did not choose to stay, one is that his home is close, and the other is that his family is worried.

She has not seen Xiu for three consecutive days.

On the first day of school, Song Nanyi, who was still working, was sent away, holding a parasol and walking on the boulevard of University B flutteringly.

Freshmen always start school more lively, they are full of curiosity about everything.

Follow the signs to find your classroom.

There was a lot of noise in the classroom.

The first class at the beginning of school is the first meeting organized by the counselor to introduce the class and military training.

Papa Song was worried about her health and wanted to ask her for leave, but Piao Piao refused.

It was the first time to participate in military training at such an age. She used to watch military training on TV. It looked so cool, and she was really curious.

How can I not refuse.

One counselor led more than one class, and he came late, and there were not many places in the classroom.

She chose a seat near the corridor, took out her mobile phone, clicked on a video and waited for the counselor to arrive.

"Hi everyone, I am your counselor, you can call me Teacher Song."

Piao Piao raised her head slowly, and her eyes met the smiling man on the podium.

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