Chapter 19 Wake up, Queen of the Movies (18)

"Sister, aren't you going to bed yet?" Meng Wanxi's life assistant Xiao Yuan reminded, "It's already very late, and there is still a scene to be filmed tomorrow."

"You go to rest first, I'll be asleep right away." Meng Wanxi looked at the message from Qi Zheng and responded with a smile.

Qi Zheng only sent three words: She is fine.

But even so, it was enough for Meng Wanxi to fall asleep with peace of mind.

Meng Wanxi quickly typed the next paragraph on the screen:

My drama is almost finished, is she coming back?
After typing, Meng Wanxi struggled for a long time looking at the screen of her mobile phone, but still deleted the typed message.

Meng Wanxi opened Qin Mingyue's profile picture with some hesitation. Her profile picture and screen name changed at some point, but their chat records were still blank.

Compared to talking to Qi Zheng, Meng Wanxi didn't know how to talk to Qin Mingyue.

Qin Mingyue's transformation was huge. She was still making things difficult for her two hours ago, but within two hours, Qin Mingyue became the hero who saved her from fire and water.

When Meng Wanxi first joined the film crew, she often dreamed that she had returned to the Golden Emperor and endured all kinds of difficulties from Gu Changzhou every day.

After waking up from the dream, it seemed that she could always hear a voice in her head, that voice told Meng Wanxi that she shouldn't be here and asked her to go back.

go back?

where to go backGolden Emperor?
After finally escaping, how could Meng Wanxi be willing to go back to that purgatory-like place and face Gu Changzhou who was like a devil?
In order to get rid of that voice, Meng Wanxi studied the script almost day and night. What made her happy was that as Meng Wanxi gradually put her mind on acting, the voice gradually went away from her .

Seems to be some kind of restraint in the dark, Meng Wanxi also gradually found himself, recalling all the absurd things in the past, Meng Wanxi was a little bit embarrassed.

But why did Qin Mingyue change so much?Perhaps she, like herself, is a person who has awakened herself!

Qin Mingyue didn't know that there were still people who missed her in the distant imperial capital, so she had already fallen asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, when Qin Mingyue went downstairs, she saw Qi Zheng who was already waiting at the dining table.

"I don't know what you like to eat, so I ordered a few more."

"Thank you, Mr. Qi." Qin Mingyue thanked him politely, and then ate breakfast gracefully.

There are actually crab roe buns, the needle does not poke!

Seeing that Qin Mingyue didn't mention what happened yesterday, Qi Zheng was secretly relieved, but at the same time felt empty in his heart.

Did she deliberately not mention it because she didn't feel for me?Or did she take my denial yesterday seriously because I didn't like him?
"Why don't you eat?" Looking at Qi Zheng in front of her with a troubled face, Qin Mingyue asked knowingly.

Unexpectedly, the villain would have this side... No!The current Qi Zheng is no longer a villain in a sense, but one of the incarnations of that mysterious man.

To be honest, as long as the identity, gender, age, and race of this mysterious person in each world can be fixed, Qin Mingyue wants to fall in love with him.

Although Qin Mingyue is a fast time traveler, she hopes that she can have a long and lasting relationship.

"'s nothing!" Qi Zheng came back to his senses, and he stuffed one in his mouth, but he didn't know that it was a soup dumpling. After biting it, the soup fell into Qin Qin's mouth in a beautiful arc. On Mingyue.

Qin Mingyue: ...

Qi Zheng: ...

I have to say that some things are the most embarrassing when you and I know it well but no one tells it.

After packing everything, Qin Mingyue went out, hailed a taxi and drove towards Zhuoxin High School.

Should I say it or not, why do I always have an inexplicable guilty conscience when I know that Qi Zheng will spy on me and still go to attack others?

[Don't affect the mission, host.Not to mention that you haven't decided whether to start this relationship, even if you two are married, you can't delay the task because of love! 】

After discovering that Qin Mingyue had negative thoughts of sabotage, Gua System immediately came out to stop him.

"Are people from Qi Zheng following us?" Qin Mingyue asked.

【Here I am. 】

"Take a fantasy prop and dump them!"

[But the host, the current props are non-renewable resources, use one less one...]

Hearing Gua System's refusal, Qin Mingyue raised her forehead: "Every time you talk about props, you don't allow them to be used, so what are those props kept for? Cubs?"

[Of course not!Just use it wisely. 】

"So we let Qi Zheng's people follow?"

[It's not impossible, anyway, there won't be a piece of meat missing... If the host feels really awkward, then... give Qi Zheng a call! 】

【He wants to chase after the host!How can I spy on you? 】Although it was the host who flirted with other boys first...

The melon system didn't dare to say the last sentence, even though it knew Qin Mingyue couldn't hit it, he was just afraid.

"Little girl, are you in a bad mood? Why did you get so sullen when you got in the car and quarreled with your boyfriend? It's okay, you young people are young and energetic, so make sure to call and chat!"

The uncle driver in front was very enthusiastic. Seeing that Qin Mingyue's expression was not very good, he said aloud.

Qin Mingyue thought for a while, and actually picked up the phone and called Qi Zheng.

Qi Zheng on the other side was still worrying about breakfast, but found Qin Mingyue's phone call, and quickly pressed the answer button.

"Remove the tail you sent."

It's over, it's been discovered.

After Qin Mingyue finished speaking, she couldn't hear the other party's response, so she hung up the phone.

Who is this, a scumbag!

【Well, the host... the person following behind is gone. 】

gone?It seems that Qi Zheng still has a conscience.

Qin Mingyue thought about it, took out her phone and wanted to send a message to Qi Zheng, but she didn't want to accidentally click on an emoji.

A cub with a loving heart.

Qin Mingyue was just about to click withdraw, but she caught up with the driver's sudden brake, so she slipped her hand and clicked delete.

"The little girl is here, fifty."

Qin Mingyue: ...

"Melon system!"

[Here you are, host, what's the matter? 】

Qin Mingyue was about to ask Gua System to help withdraw the emoji package, when she saw the message from Qi Zheng:
Jifeng: (Love)

Qin Mingyue: ...

Brother, listen to my explanation...

Qin Shimingyue: (Did you change your screen name?)

Ji Feng: (Well, isn’t it true that no one uses their real names on the Internet these days?)

Qin Mingyue was amused by Qi Zheng's words, but this kid remembered her words clearly.

Qin Shimingyue: (I have to do some things, relying on my own strength. Don't worry, I will not go out of line.)
Qin Mingyue didn't know why she had to explain to Qi Zheng, aren't they partners?
But... since it is something determined by the heart, why bother so much?
(End of this chapter)

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