Chapter 20 Wake up, Queen of the Movies (19)

Qin Mingyue has come to Zhuoxin, do you think she is looking for Wang Hao?

Do not!She came to see her brother.

That's right, it's Qin Yingwen, the big baby of the old Qin's family.

As for whether she will meet Wang Hao by chance, Qin Mingyue is not sure.

[The host's abacus beads are about to collapse on his face, he is still a child, does the host really have the heart? 】

"I'm an adult! Besides, I don't seem to have done anything to him, right? I just don't want a child who is still alive to go astray."

While chatting with the system, Qin Mingyue waited near the school. After a while, she saw Qin Yingwen and... Wang Hao?
Looking from a distance, Qin Yingwen nodded and bowed to Wang Hao while walking, just like the school bully and his dog-legged younger brother in the campus novel.

"Hey, something embarrassing." Qin Mingyue held her forehead, but decided to hide first. This is not the time to meet Wang Hao.

Qin Mingyue went to a coffee shop near the school, and received a message from Wang Hao not long after she sat down.

Nanfeng: (Is sister Mingyue there?)

Qin Shimingyue: (Let’s talk about why first, and I’ll decide whether I’m here or not.)
Nanfeng: (My sister is really humorous, I just want to chat with her for a while because I am bored.)
Qin Shimingyue: (But, if I remember correctly, it should be your class time now, right?)

I don't know whether it's because of a guilty conscience or something, but Wang Hao didn't immediately reply to Qin Mingyue's message.

Wang Hao was indeed in class at this time, but as Wang Hao, the son of Wang Pengtao, one of the largest shareholders of the school, no one would dare to control him even if he was playing with his mobile phone in class.

Thinking of Wang Hao's way of appearing like a bully just now, and thinking of the ending of Wang Hao's original plot, Qin Mingyue asked again.

Qin Shimingyue: (Usually no one bullies you at school, right?)
Although there is almost no plot about Wang Hao in the original plot, it can still be inferred from some minor plots that this guy's ending is not good.

A scumbag father plus a top-notch mother, plus his identity as the heroine's illegitimate younger brother, to be honest, it's almost impossible for this configuration to give a happy ending.

Nanfeng: (How could I be bullied? I'm the boss of our school, and I'm the only one who bullies others!)
It seems that he felt a little ashamed about being bullied by gangsters yesterday, and Wang Hao's words are all about his own "powerful".

Nanfeng: (In our school, no one dares to provoke me, and whoever provokes me, I will make them bad luck!)

Nanfeng: (Sister, you don’t know, there was a boy who spilled all over me while cooking, and I taught him a lesson!)


In order to highlight his strength, Wang Hao told Qin Mingyue a lot of his "great achievements".

After a long time, Qin Mingyue ignored Wang Hao.

Nanfeng: (Sister?)
Wang Hao hadn't realized that Qin Mingyue didn't want him because he had done something too much, but he simply thought that Qin Mingyue was busy and didn't reply.

Nanfeng: (If my sister is busy, let’s talk later, I’m going to class first.)
Wang Hao was about to put away his phone when he saw a message from Qin Mingyue.

Qin Shimingyue: (You still bully your classmates.)
Seeing Qin Mingyue's question, Wang Hao was stunned.


Is he bullying his classmates?No one had ever said that, at least no one had dared to say it to his face.

But Wang Hao knows that bullying is a bad word, and my sister...

My sister is a person who will still stand up when strangers are in danger.

A bad premonition suddenly surged in Wang Hao's heart—my sister was going to hate him, just like my own sister, and Meng Wanxi's sister hated him.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao quickly explained to Qin Mingyue.

Nanfeng: (It's not like that, sister, listen to my explanation, they provoked me first!)

Qin Mingyue: (No matter what the situation is, bullying is always wrong. Forget it, you go to class first...)
Forget it, you go to class first...

A few light words made Wang Hao dizzy.

It's over, my sister doesn't want to talk to him anymore...

Wang Hao didn't know how he spent this class. He didn't come back to his senses until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and edited a message to Qin Mingyue:
If this kid still insists on being a school bully who does all kinds of evil, then he deserves to be killed by the plot, but what if...

Nanfeng: (Sister, I know I was wrong, I will never do this again, I will apologize to those people, please don't ignore me, okay?)
Seeing Wang Hao's regretful words, Qin Mingyue put down her phone, but decided to give him a chance.

A chance to not embarrass Wang Pengtao when he brings him down, but Qin Mingyue is not in charge of how Meng Wanxi wants to deal with him.

Although the original plot did not mention much about Wang Hao's past, according to the information found by the Gua system, there are not a few students who were bullied by Wang Hao, and at least six of them were forced to drop out of school!

I don't know if this guy has a natural hatred for students who are good at studying. If he is not willing to be his younger brother, he will always target him.

Unfortunately, Qin Yingwen was the one who gave in.

However, Qin Yingwen was not forced to be Wang Hao's younger brother. Qin Yingwen simply fell in love with Wang Hao's wealth and wealth, and if he missed anything, it would be enough for his daily expenses.

In addition, Qin Yingwen flatters comfortably, so he has always been the "popular man" in front of Wang Hao.

But today, the "popular man" in front of Wang Hao encountered his first Waterloo in his flattering career:

"Boss, are you in a bad mood today? Is it the one who has no eyesight who provoked you? Let's deal with him together!"

After hearing Qin Yingying's words, Wang Hao couldn't help but get angry:


"What?" Qin Yingwen thought there was something wrong with her ears.

"Can't you hear me telling you to get lost? If you say such things in front of me in the future, I will destroy you!"

Did Wang Hao do something wrong before?Of course he knew he was wrong!
Wang Hao still remembers that a long, long time ago, he bullied others, as if it was just for someone to take a look at him...

When she was very young, Wang Hao had only her mother by her side, but her mother only cared about when she could see her father...

Later, Wang Hao and his mother were taken into a big house by his father. At that time, his father only cared about how to have more money, while his mother was always on guard against a woman like her who would snatch his father away... …

Ever since Wang Hao could remember, his presence has been very low...

Until one time, Wang Hao accidentally broke each other's head during a quarrel with a classmate. Wang Hao couldn't remember why they quarreled. He only remembered that the classmate shed a lot of blood at that time.

When Wang Pengtao came later, he didn't blame Wang Hao, and he didn't even look at him.

Wang Pengtao gave a large sum of money to that classmate's parents, and at the same time donated a building to the school, and the matter passed.

After that, the attitude of everyone in the school towards Wang Hao changed.

All the students are vying to be friends with Wang Hao, and all the teachers are trying their best to please Wang Hao.

And those who oppose Wang Hao will receive the collective hometown of teachers and classmates.

Gradually, Wang Hao became obsessed with this feeling. He wanted the stars and the moon, and wanted the fear of others. This feeling is fascinating.

But later, he found that these things did not make him truly happy, his parents still ignored him, and his classmates and teachers only cared about the power and money behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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