Chapter 36 Hell is Empty (2)

It's not that the little monster has never seen human beings before, and it's not that there are no human beings who have never seen it, but all those people make it feel disgusting. Their sticky and foul-smelling souls may be more popular with its "kinds" .

But the young man in front of him was different, his slightly tired eyes showed a tenderness that the little monster had never seen before.

"I want to go home, but...they all bully me!"

The little monster turned around completely, the little guy was scribbled black, only the pair of sharp claws gleamed coldly - this is not a little guy with no attack power.

"Where is your home?" A child without a home is very pitiful, Lin An doesn't want this little guy to be like himself, maybe its parents are still waiting for it?

The little monster pointed to the other side of the river, and Lin An looked in the direction the little guy pointed, and it didn't seem very far away, but it seemed a bit embarrassing for such a small guy.

"I'll take you there." Lin An picked up the little monster and walked to the other side of the river.

[Host, the hero in this world is really gentle and kind. 】

Because I have met too many low-level male protagonists before, the Gua system is full of affection for Lin An, a good boy.

"He's kind, but his ignorant kindness will only cost him his life." Qin Mingyue is not pouring cold water on him, but because the other side of the river is a different-dimensional space. At the junction of the river, one can imagine how dangerous that river is.

Just as Qin Mingyue expected, Lin An found that the river was not as shallow as he imagined, and it was much wider than what he had seen. The distance is shortened by half a minute.

Lin An noticed the abnormality, but he didn't hesitate: "Little guy, the river is getting deeper and deeper, you can climb on my shoulders, I don't think the water in this river will be as deep as my chest. "

Shoulder?The little monster glanced at his sharp claws, isn't he afraid of himself?Aren't you afraid to scratch his throat with your claws?

Looking at Lin An who was defenseless against him, the little monster suddenly discovered that human beings can be so good.

Lin An was carrying the little monster on his back, and as the river got deeper and deeper, Lin An also felt more and more difficult to move forward.

At this moment, Lin An suddenly felt as if something was entangled with his leg. Lin An was about to grab it with his hands, but found that everything around him had changed.
Lin An was not standing in the river, but a river bank that had long dried up and was full of bones of unknown animals.

[Host, Lin An has been drawn into a rift in another dimension! 】

"I saw it, let's go in too!"

In the original plot, Lin An was also involved in the abnormal crack, and the degree of danger in it can be said to be close to death.

It was the special department of this world that discovered the anomaly and rescued Lin An.

And this also led to Lin An being completely targeted by the special department. Although Lin An took advantage of the chaos and escaped with the little monster, the supernatural beings in the special department quickly found out the school he attended, and at the same time noticed The heroine who was reborn as a human.

The little monster became weaker and weaker after leaving the rift in another dimension. Although the hero made a contract with the little monster by mistake, he still couldn't change the reality that the little monster couldn't adapt to the human world.

For the sake of the little monster, Lin An had no choice but to agree to the recruitment of the special department, and led the little monster to fight on the front line against monsters.

Speaking of which, this little monster is indeed an outlier among monsters. Other monsters feed on the negative emotions of human beings to grow themselves, and each of them wants to take root in the human world.

But the little monster is different, it does not eat those disgusting negative emotions of humans, but feeds on the crystal nuclei left after the monsters are killed.

Such a little monster is a freak and a devil in the eyes of the monsters, but in the eyes of the supernatural beings in the special department, it is simply a little angel in the world.

Although Lin An's encounter with the supernatural beings from the special department is destined today, Qin Mingyue doesn't want the hero to be exposed to the sight of the special department too early. Even if he wants to join the special department, it should be after the hero becomes stronger, after all Only the strong have the right to speak.

Here I have to talk about a special department specially established to fight monsters from different dimensions. The situation in this special department is a bit complicated. It is inevitable that there will be a few scum mixed in.

In the original plot, the male protagonist almost lost his life because of some mouse shit, but fortunately, he was escorted by the female protagonist.

The heroines in the early stage have always done their own way, like to use violence to control violence, and use evil to control evil, and turn a blind eye to the favors of special departments, but they only have special feelings for the hero Lin An.

In the later period, the heroine chose to join the special department because of the influence of the male protagonist and the personality charm of the soul figure in the special department, and guarded mankind with them.

In the original plot, the scariest thing is never the monsters, but the human heart.

If Qin Mingyue remembered correctly, there was a shit-stirring stick in the special department, in order to keep the heroine's power as his own, but put the hero in danger more than once, trying to use this as bait to catch the heroine.

That's why Qin Mingyue didn't want Lin An to enter the special department when he could still be manipulated by others. Not to mention giving that shit-stirring stick a chance, it would also affect the progress of the task.

After Qin Mingyue entered the rift in another dimension, she sensed the arrival of other supernatural beings. It didn't even take her to think about it, it must be someone from a special department.

With a wave of Qin Mingyue's jade hand, she blocked those supernatural beings from the outside, so let those guys be beautiful outside for a while!
At this time, Lin An had already attracted the attention of the monsters, and under their pursuit, he fled hurriedly with the little monster in his arms.

It's not that Lin An has never seen monsters before, but those are all low-level monsters left alone in the human world. How can there be such monsters like today?One is more scary than the other!
Lin An's foot was twisted, and he didn't eat dinner that night, how could he run past those monsters?So it was easy to be thrown down by those monsters.

Qin Mingyue has been paying attention to Lin An, putting a protective cover on him the moment he was thrown down.

Lin An had been frightened silly for a long time, how could he notice that those monsters couldn't hurt him at all?This fool is just protecting the little monster.

[Host, you are too much, you can take Lin An away directly. 】

"I'm obviously exercising his guts."

cut!Bad host.

At this time, Lin An also discovered that those monsters could not hurt him, but their ugly appearance still made Lin An afraid.

The little monster didn't expect that Lin An would do this for himself, so he hugged Lin An crying and said, "I won't go home, I don't want to go home, woo woo woo~"

Seeing that the relationship between Lin An and her future partner has almost been cultivated, Qin Mingyue turned her head and said to Gua System:
"Gua Wazi is gone, it's time for us to play."

(End of this chapter)

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