Chapter 37 Hell is Empty (3)

"Poor kid, are you lost?"

Qin Mingyue descended from the sky, accompanied by stars and flames.

I saw those sparks fell on the monsters, and they turned into a skyrocketing fire, burning those monsters up in an instant.

As those terrifying monsters were wiped out, the protective cover around Lin An and the little monster gradually dissipated.

Looking at the crystal nucleus left behind after the monster was eliminated, the little monster jumped at it with bright eyes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

Seeing this little black bird with a happy face full of food, Qin Mingyue reached out and picked it up.

Only then did the little monster realize that this seemingly harmless human being in front of him was a more terrifying existence than those monsters, and quickly shrank himself into a ball, trembling.

"You don't look like you're defenseless, why are you so timid." Qin Mingyue said with some disgust as she deliberately shook the little black ball in her hand.

Seeing this, Lin An became a little anxious, and hurried forward and said, "That...can you put it down?"

Hearing this, Qin Mingyue finally set her sights on Lin An. Now that the two are standing on the same level, Qin Mingyue realizes that this... the male protagonist is a bit short, and will definitely not exceed 1.6 meters five by visual inspection.

You must know that the male protagonist is already in his third year of high school and will soon be an adult!

Although I know that this is caused by long-term malnutrition, this height seems to be a bit insufficient for the male lead...

"It's impolite, I saved you, won't you even say thank you?" Qin Mingyue threw the little black ball to Lin An casually, pretending to be angry.

Hearing Qin Mingyue's words, Lin An also realized his impoliteness, his face blushed, and he quickly bowed ninety degrees: "I'm sorry...ah no, thank you!"

"This is a good boy."

Qin Mingyue's elder-like tone made Lin An uncomfortable. The other party looked similar to him, and the other party was still wearing his school uniform!
Lin An didn't remember that his school had such an amazing and powerful person, maybe people with such mysterious power have their own things to do!
"I'm in a good mood today, so I'll take you back by the way."

Lin An didn't have time to speak again, he just felt his eyes blur, and when he opened his eyes, he returned to the familiar street.

On the other side, the special department's supernatural beings who were deliberately blocked by Qin Mingyue were still struggling to find a way to get in. Who knew that they would be actively sucked in by a mysterious force in the next second.

"This is the rift in another dimension, boss..." Anna looked nervously at her captain Xia Cheng, who made Xia Cheng the only one in the three-person team who had entered the rift in another dimension?

Xia Cheng has experience in exploring cracks in different dimensions, and the natural path is extremely dangerous, so he and his two teammates ordered:
"I'll open the way ahead, Nana, you and Shitou are in charge of the back, let's record the basics here, there are only three of us, we must not go deep!"



[Master host, Xia Cheng, Huangshi and Anna are the future protagonists! 】

Gua System said with some excitement.

In the original plot, the protagonist group has a total of six people. In addition to the hero and heroine, there are also Xia Cheng who has the superhuman ability "speed", Huangshi who has the elemental ability "earth control", and Anna who has the superhuman ability "hit". Na and Jiang Jin, who has the elemental ability "electric control".

Xia Cheng was born in a military family, and his parents sacrificed to protect mankind, so Xia Cheng joined the special department without hesitation when he grew up. Although Xia Cheng's ability is "speed", his power is not at all Don't lose to those powerful supernatural beings.

Huang Shi was also born as an orphan, so Huang Shi gave him a lot of care when he was in the seventh team of the male protagonist's family. Although Huang Shi is big and big, he is a taciturn and delicate person.

Anna is a rebellious rich second generation, because Anna's ability "hit" is not as obvious as other abilities after awakening, so the people around Anna have never noticed her abnormality.

It wasn't until Anna accidentally saw the special department chasing a murderous monster that the special department discovered that she was a supernatural person. When the special department invited Anna to join, she was having trouble with her parents and didn't want to be killed by her parents. Being in control of her life, she joined the special department without even thinking about it.

The so-called hit means that no matter what Anna is holding in her hand, as long as she determines the target she wants to hit in her heart, she can hit 100% of the time, so she can always play with various hidden weapons and firearms.

As for Jiang Jin, who hasn't played yet, his experience of joining the special department is a bit dramatic.

This guy is a habitual thief. He awakened his supernatural ability while evading capture. He couldn't control his big move and stunned himself and the patrolman chasing him.

After waking up again, he entered the dungeon of the special department. If Jiang Jin hadn't awakened his abilities, it would be fine, but after he awakened his abilities, he would become a person with abilities to commit crimes, the kind that would kill someone!In order to save his own life, he had to choose to join a special department.

Jiang Jin is greedy for life, afraid of death and wretched. He usually likes to be passive and sabotage. It is normal not to show up here. If not, the seventh team has been in a state of lack of people. The son stayed in his team.

Qin Mingyue watched the three of them go in cautiously, and she also wanted to watch a play in her heart.

When Qin Mingyue killed the monster just now, a lot of crystal nuclei exploded, and left a lot of residue after being gnawed by the little monster. It is estimated that many monsters have already come here smelling the smell, and I don’t know the future partners of the protagonist. How is the current strength...

The melon system obviously also guessed what Qin Mingyue was thinking, and couldn't help but say:

[The host is not afraid of getting off again? "]

It’s okay if the melon system doesn’t talk about it, it comes and goes as soon as it’s said: “Which time did I play off and not because you didn’t give me props when I searched?”

[The host doesn't know how to be diligent and thrifty at all!The host of the last world has already used props, but this time taking props from me will not work! 】

"It doesn't matter, I am invincible in this world."

The three of Xia Cheng moved forward cautiously, at this moment Xia Cheng's foot stepped on some crystal clear fragments.

"This is..." Xia Cheng's pupils shrank slightly, "Let's withdraw!"

Although they knew what happened, Anna and Huang Shi, who had unconditional trust in Xia Cheng, still reacted immediately, was too late!Countless monsters rushed towards the three of them.

After the crystal nucleus is broken, the energy contained in it will quickly dissipate, so after the monsters are attracted, they find that the rare treasures they thought were just a pile of residue.

But it's all here, so...

Those monsters quickly set their sights on the three of Xia Cheng. After all, the flesh and blood of the supernatural beings is also a great supplement to the monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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