Chapter 38 Hell is Empty (4)

"Challenge!" After Xia Cheng finished speaking, he drew out the Tang knife hanging from his waist, and dodged to meet the enemy.

And Anna also took out two special pistols, one for each child.

As for Huangshi, as the "shield" in the team, it is responsible for resisting approaching monsters so as not to interrupt Anna's output.

As there were more and more monsters, Anna simply took out the pistol and took out the folding psionic cannon from her backpack.

The cooperation of these three people has always been tacit understanding. Although Xia Cheng's movement speed in the monster group has been too fast, and despite Anna's constant firepower, the attacks of these two people have not affected each other at all.

Anna can always hit the shells where the monsters are densest, and Xia Cheng can always harvest the remaining monsters after Anna's attack.

As for Huang Shi, as the most important existence among the three, he can always protect Xia City from monster sneak attacks while protecting himself and Anna.

To be honest, this wave of monsters is not very powerful. After all, powerful monsters will not be attracted by the energy emitted by these crystal nucleus fragments, but they really can't stand it!

New monsters were constantly being attracted, Xia Cheng and Huang Shi's physical strength was almost exhausted, and Anna's ammunition was about to run out here.

"Gua Wazi, let's go, it's time for us to play!"

Qin Mingyue activated the hellfire in her body, and when she raised her hand, the monster was wiped out in ashes.

All this happened so suddenly that before Xia Cheng and the others could react, Qin Mingyue was already standing in front of them.

"Thank you for your help, I don't know if you are..." Xia Cheng was the first to react, stepped forward and asked, but his eyes glanced at Qin Mingyue's school badge inadvertently.

Is a student of No. [-] Middle School.

"My name is Qin Mingyue, you can also call me Qin Xi." Qin Mingyue simply said her name.

"Xia Cheng, the seventh team leader of the special department."

"Anna, a member of the seventh team of the special department."

"My name is Huang Shi, and I am also a member of the seventh team of the special department."

"Qin Xi? You don't seem to be a member of the special department, do you?" Such a powerful person with supernatural powers is not a member of the special department, which made Xia Cheng want him to join the seventh team.

"Special department?" Qin Mingyue pretended to be stupid and said, "Where is that place?"

"It's inconvenient to talk too much here, let's talk after we go out." Although Xia Cheng wished to immediately include Qin Mingyue in his team, he also knew that this was not a place where he could stay for a long time.

"Okay," Qin Mingyue agreed, "I have almost figured out the vicinity here, and I will lead the way."


On the other side, Lin An brought the little monster to his rental house.

Turn on the light, and what you see is a simple living room, except for an old table and a chair, there is no other object.

The little monster excitedly looked at everything around him. This little guy didn't know what shabby and shabby were, it only knew that this was where he and Lin An would live in the future.

"From now on, you can live with me temporarily!" Lin An also understood that the little monster would not be able to go home in a short time, so he held it up and looked at him, "Let me give you a name! Call it... ...Lin Xiaoan, you will be my younger brother from now on!"

name!The little monster's eyes lit up when he heard Lin An's name for himself.

name!I have a name!

Lin Xiaoan, my name!From now on, my name will be Lin Xiaoan, Lin An's younger brother!

In fact, Lin An didn't know the gender of the little monster, but subconsciously thought that this smeared little guy should be a younger brother, and he always wanted a younger brother in his dreams.

In fact, Lin Xiaoan is a little guy who is still in his infancy. Due to the small number of their race, in order to increase the reproduction rate, they are born without sex. They will not decide their sex through a duel until they meet the same kind, and then Breed together again.

In the original plot, just because of Lin An's words, Lin Xiaoan chose to go against his genetic nature, and immediately differentiated into a male as soon as he became an adult. Thought he already had a partner.

But fortunately, Lin Xiaoan still met a partner who is willing to be a female for love. Of course, this is all for a later story...

At the food stall, Qin Mingyue ate small skewers and drank wine, and had already become good friends with Xia Cheng and the others.

Xia Cheng and Qin Mingyue talked about the origin of the special department, the significance of its existence and the benefits of joining, and Qin Mingyue readily agreed to Xia Cheng's request.

"By the way, who is the captain of the team?" Qin Mingyue asked while eating the skewers.

"Of course, after Qin Xi you join our seventh team, I will give you the position of captain, and those who are able will live!" Xia Cheng said straightforwardly.

"Don't, I'm used to being lazy, but I can't take on this job." Qin Mingyue quickly refused.

"Yueyue, you don't know, my boss is eager to throw this hot potato out, the captains of other teams don't know, anyway, it's not easy to be the captain of the seventh team!" Anna said with her arms around Qin Mingyue's shoulders.

Qin Mingyue still knew about the situation of the seventh team, didn't she just offend a powerful villain in this world.

The villain in this world is the shit stirrer mentioned earlier. There are a lot of rat shit in the special department, but he is the only shit stirrer!
Because of this, although new recruits are often recruited in the special department, the seventh team has not had fresh blood for a long time.

After eating and drinking, Xia Cheng and the others took Qin Mingyue to the special department to go through the formalities. After a set of tedious procedures, only a stack of contracts and various responsibility letters were left.

Qin Mingyue signed the letter so well that she almost didn't recognize the word "Qin Mingyue". It was nothing more than telling him what kind of business he would undertake after joining the special department, and to be prepared to die at any time.

When signing the last chapter, Qin Mingyue discovered that it was a letter of consent for body donation.

As if noticing the pause in Qin Mingyue's movements, Anna explained: "In order to crack the secret of awakening supernatural powers, every supernatural being who joins a special department will sign a consent form for body donation, in the hope that human beings can become completely stronger. "

"Then what have you researched?" Qin Mingyue asked. In fact, she didn't care whether she signed the agreement. Who made her the incarnation of hellfire?Can't die at all.

Hearing Qin Mingyue's question, Anna smiled wryly and said, "It's not that easy, besides, after the death of the supernatural person who signed this agreement, only about [-]% of the remains can be put into research.

Because about [-]% of the supernatural beings died at the mouth of monsters, and there were no remains to be found. "

Hearing this, Qin Mingyue was also a little silent, and quickly wrote down her name on the paper.

I have to say, compared to those worlds that only have love and love, people in this world have paid too much...

(End of this chapter)

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