Chapter 28 Soul Control

Thinking of Qiao Zhenfei, he took a step back unconsciously and kept a little distance from her.

"Brother, you..."

Qiao Zhenfei's movements appeared in Yun Chuxin's consciousness, and she asked him in surprise.

Senior brother despised her?
how could be?

Qiao Zhenfei frowned and said, "Junior Sister Yun, let's pay attention there."

He pointed to the fighting scene in front of him, and if he didn't notice that Chi Yu was affected, the loss outweighed the gain.

Isn't it a joke to catch fish in the pond without catching anything?


Only then did Yun Chuxin return to normal, but her spiritual consciousness kept paying attention to Yun Chuchu's every move.

After half a stick of incense, Senior Brother Su and Fu Zong finally killed the Hokage Beast.


Senior Brother Su collected the corpse of the Hokage Beast and waved to Yun Chuchu and the other five, who quickly followed and walked underground.

There are more and more forks in the bottom, but Yun Chuchu can lead Senior Brother Su and the others down without any mistakes.

Naturally, so did Yun Chuxin and Qiao Zhenfei. They didn't know the way, but followed Yun Chuchu and the others.

Yun Chuchu wasn't afraid of them following. At this time, Yun Chuxin was not Yun Chuxin with the dual spiritual roots of fire and wood in the book. She couldn't contract with the different fire at all.

And Yun Chuxin was sure that Yun Chuchu saw something in the illusion of ascending to the sky, and she became more and more flustered in her heart. She must not let her get that strange fire. Having that strange fire is not like adding wings to a tiger, but her brilliance is Yun Chuchu's now. brilliant.

While walking, Yun Chuxin thought about how to snatch Yun Chuchu's strange fire. Now that she is an ice spirit root, she is not sure that she can contract the strange fire.

Moreover, Yun Chuchu could stay here forever.

It's just that there are so many people around her, how should she start?

At this time, Yun Chuxin's eyes and mind were full of what to do with Yun Chuchu, and she didn't even notice that her foot was off, and there was a dark bottomless hole.


It was too late when Qiao Zhenfei wanted to remind her, she stepped on her foot and fell straight down.

Qiao Zhenfei caught a blank.

However, just as Yun Chuxin fell, the hole suddenly disappeared, and Qiao Zhenfei turned around in a hurry.

He still can't helplessly watch Yun Chuxin have an accident in front of him.

The moment Qiao Zhenfei saw her fall, it was as if Qiao Zhenfei's heart had been grabbed, making him suffocate.

Yun Chuchu and the others heard Yun Chuxin's exclamation, and only looked back. Everyone didn't care when they found that she was gone. It's best for Xiao Baihua to die, out of sight and out of mind.

The six of them continued to move forward.

Yun Chuchu knew that Yun Chuxin would be fine, she was the heroine, God would not let her die, maybe seeing that she couldn't get the strange fire, she should make up for her chance.

If you don't do what she thinks, chance must have restrained her as a cannon fodder.

Be careful when you see her again.

However, after Yun Chuxin fell into the hole, the hole was unknown how deep it was, and when she fell to the bottom of the hole, she fell and passed out.

After an unknown amount of time, Yun Chuxin woke up slowly. She checked the place with her spiritual sense and found that it was a dark hole.

She didn't know what this place was, she had never seen this place before in the illusion, and she panicked at this moment.

She immediately looked for a way out.


When she saw that not far from her, near the wall, there was a dead body. The black clothes had rotted and hung on the dead body in tatters.

There was only a skeleton left in the body, and the skeleton was white, and it looked extremely eerie and terrifying at the bottom of this dark cave.

Yun Chuxin was terrified. Although she was a monk, she was a pampered monk. Even the fighting scene was the first time I saw Senior Brother Su and the others fighting the Fire Shadow Beast today. She had never seen such a terrifying scene before. It scared her at a loss.

After half a cup of tea, Yun Chuxin slowly calmed down. Only then did she realize that she was covered in injuries, so she hurriedly took out a healing pill from the storage bag and swallowed it.

After the wound on her body healed, she walked over slowly and picked up a storage bag next to the skeleton.

The owner was dead, Yun Chuxin easily entered the storage bag with her spiritual sense, and when she saw the sparse things in the storage bag, she curled her lips in disappointment.

Yun Chuxin poured out all the contents, and scanned it again with his spiritual sense. There was no spirit stone, no pill, only some empty medicine bottles and empty jade boxes, a jade badge for identity, and a few jade slips.

She only took those few jade slips and read them one by one, but when she saw the last one, she was overjoyed.

"Soul Control Technique."

Yun Chuxin laughed happily. She never thought that there was such a spell. Before, she was thinking of some way to kill Yun Chuchu. Now she has changed her mind. When she learns the soul control technique, she will use this spell to control Yun Chuchu. , to be used by her in the future, to be her puppet.

It turns out that this soul control technique is to control the monk's soul and become a humanoid puppet for others, so he can do whatever he is asked to do, and he cannot resist.

If you resist, you will suffer backlash, and your soul will be severely injured, and in the process of resisting, it will make the person under control feel miserable.

This spell is good, Yun Chuxin is very happy.

She glanced at the skeleton, thinking that she had left something useful for her, or it would have been burned.

But looking at the people around him, Yun Chuxin took out a formation from the storage bag, activated it and sat in the formation to practice soul control.

She couldn't wait to see Yun Chuchu's appearance after being controlled by her.

Must be very obedient, right?'s beautiful to think about.

This spell is not difficult, and a person with a brain like her can easily understand the formula. In less than an hour, she has accomplished something.

Yun Chuxin stood up and stretched. Afterwards, she knocked around, but everything was solid. There was nowhere to go out here.

Yun Chuxin was in a hurry to get out, maybe Yun Chuchu had already got the strange fire by now, leaving this cave, there was not much chance to use the soul control technique on her.

Taking advantage of this place, the two have more opportunities to get in close contact, and this is the best opportunity.

It's a pity that Yun Chuxin couldn't find a way out after searching here for a long time, so she had to sit down and calm down again to practice the soul control technique.

If it's really not possible, wait until Yun Chuchu leaves the secret realm, or find her inside the secret realm, it's just a little more troublesome.

On the other side, Yun Chuchu and the others had already arrived at the bottom of the cave. Everyone was standing by the magma pool, looking at the tumbling hot magma. Even those with low cultivation levels could not resist the heat, so they took out magic weapons to defend themselves.

Yun Chuchu liked the fire aura here very much. She took a deep breath of fire aura and released her consciousness to see where the strange fire was hidden.

The other monks who came in were also looking for the strange fire.

"Look, it's over there." Suddenly a disciple of the Fu Sect saw it, and pointed to a corner and shouted.

When everyone looked over, there was indeed a thumb-sized flame jumping up and down on the magma, as if they were very curious about the monks on the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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