Chapter 29 Conquering the Different Fire
"There is still a strange fire of spiritual wisdom." Someone said in surprise.

Yun Chuchu's eyes narrowed slightly, did anyone else see that the strange fire gave birth to spiritual wisdom?

So the person who wants this strange fire is not crazy about it?

According to the description in the book, this alien fire god has already developed spiritual wisdom, but it only develops closeness to people with dual spiritual roots of fire and wood.

In the book, Yun Chuxin used the aura of Huomu Shuangling to attract the strange fire, and then regained it.

Seeing that more and more people came here, Yun Chuchu couldn't control so much, what if some of these disciples also had fire and wood dual spiritual roots.

"Brothers and sisters, please help my sister protect the dharma. After the matter is done, my sister will be grateful."

Without further ado, Yun Chuchu immediately sat down cross-legged and transmitted a sound transmission to the five people.

The five people nodded to her after hearing this, and sat cross-legged around her to protect her.

Yun Chuchu immediately released her spiritual power and went towards the strange fire.

Sure enough, when the strange fire felt the spiritual power of Huomu, he happily shook his small body and came looking for breath.

"Quick, it's coming, grab it quickly." A monk saw it and shouted again.

A monk calmly took out the prepared magic weapon and put it on the ground, opened it, and prepared to catch the strange fire.

Someone put on a spiritual power cover and went towards the strange fire, trying to use his own spiritual power cover to cover the different fire.

Who knew that before his spiritual power shield arrived, the strange fire flashed fiercely and rushed towards the cultivator who was wearing the spiritual power shield.


The monk yelled, and was burned by the strange fire, which was beyond recognition. He covered his face with his hands and rolled on the ground in pain, wailing non-stop.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts so much..."

It happened so suddenly that the monks next to him were all stunned. Seeing the miserable condition of the monk, it took only a moment for the monk to be burnt to the ground.

They gasped, the strange fire was stronger than they imagined, everyone took a few steps back, took out the defensive magic weapon to be vigilant against the strange fire.

Don't try to catch it, if it attacks them, I'm afraid they won't even save their lives.

But unwilling to leave.

The different fire was triumphant, it kept shaking the little flame, with the attitude of a winner.

If it has an expression, you can see its contemptuous eyes, overlooking all living beings.

Don't even look at who it is, is it so easy to bully and want to capture, these stupid human beings, don't show him some color, I don't know how powerful it is.

It's wishful thinking that even a monk with mixed spiritual roots dares to think about it.

It shook its small body, and looked for the breath it liked again.

Slowly go towards Yun Chuchu.

Yun Chuchu and the others all watched the scene just now, and kept calm, to see what would happen to Huo Miao.

Now seeing the little flames coming towards them, Yun Chuchu increased the output of spiritual power, and the strange fire speeded up to devour Huomu's spiritual power as if seeing delicious food.

When other people saw this scene, they all wanted to come over to cut him off, but when they thought of the power of the strange fire just now, everyone was hesitant.

Not only were they afraid of the strange fire, but they were also afraid of Senior Brother Su and the others, especially Senior Brother Su. His strength had already been seen when he was fighting the Fire Shadow Beast.

Sword repair is strong, and no one here can match him in terms of strength.

In the end, he was also the one who beheaded the Hokage Beast, and besides throwing talismans, they still threw talismans.

However, none of the disciples of the Wuhua Sect had any talismans.

The key opponent is still a disciple of Wuhuazong. As the most powerful sect, Wuhuazong still has a great deterrent effect.

They still don't have the guts to gang up on Wu Huazong's disciples.

Most of Wuhuazong's disciples are all craftsmen. They can not only repair swords, but also draw talismans and throw talismans. They can also control beasts, set up formations, and have no shortage of pills. Who would expect such a sect disciple to have a long life? Only to provoke.

I had to watch the strange fire flying towards Yun Chuchu with envy and hatred, stopped at about a foot, stopped moving forward, and devoured the spiritual power desperately.

Gluttonous and cunning little guy.

When Yun Chuchu saw the strange fire devouring her spiritual power greedily but not moving forward, she couldn't help cursing in her heart, just devouring her spiritual power was not enough for her.

Yun Chuchu simply withdrew her spiritual power and surrounded her body.

Little Huomiao suddenly saw that its food was gone, and was a little annoyed. Seeing Yun Chuchu withdrawing her spiritual power, she plunged headlong into her dantian.

If you don't let it devour it, then you can eat it by yourself, can't you?

The strange fire rushed into Yun Chuchu's dantian, and the scorching flames roasted the dantian. She was sweating from the pain, and her body twitched involuntarily.

Yun Chuchu gritted her teeth, immediately mobilized her spiritual power to envelop the strange fire, and then carried out a soul attack on the strange fire. If she did not perform a soul attack on it, this little guy would definitely be out of her control, and she would not be able to control it when she resisted of.

At worst, it hurt the little guy's soul, so I will help find something to restore it in the future, even if it doesn't restore it, it won't affect her alchemy.


Sure enough, when Yun Chuchu attacked the spirit of the different fire, the different fire made a creaking sound and ran around in her dantian.

They wanted to rush out of the encirclement but couldn't, so they had to intensify the firepower and burn this human being to death and it would be free.

However, how dare Yun Chuchu let it be presumptuous, if she doesn't stop her, her dantian will be destroyed by her.

Then she attacked one after another, and she didn't stop until the strange fire faltered in the dantian and couldn't be a demon.

Hehe, fight with her, although she doesn't have the heroine luck to let the strange fire be refined obediently, but she has a way to control it.

At this time, the spiritual wisdom born from the different fire was beaten to pieces, and she could no longer resist. Yun Chuchu swallowed a tonic pill and began to refine it.

The five people around her all looked at her nervously, and when they saw her relaxed expression, they knew that she had succeeded.

The onlooker cultivator just sighed and looked here to see if there were any spiritual objects.

If you can't get the different fire, you can't return empty-handed.

Yun Chuchu took a full day and night to refine it.


A small flame appeared on her fingertip.

"Congratulations, Junior Sister." All five of them were happy for Yun Chuchu.

Yun Chuchu pursed her lips and smiled, put away the strange fire, she said: "Thanks to all the senior brothers and sisters, the junior sisters are very grateful."

As she spoke, she bowed deeply to the five of them, and now she let go of her wariness towards the five of them.

"Senior Brother and Senior Sister's future pills are all covered by Junior Sister, as well as the future Foundation Establishment Pill and Jiejin Pill. If the Junior Sister is still there, as long as the Junior Sister can make the Infant Pill, the Junior Sister will take care of it."

What Yun Chuchu said was sincere, and she would repay the opportunity these five people made for her.

"Okay, junior sister, if we have such a day, we will definitely ask junior sister for it." Wu Lin said with a smile.

The other four smiled, and everyone was looking forward to the day when they cultivated immortals for what, wasn't it to be able to form pills, form infants, transform into gods, and then ascend to the spirit world.

But it is not so easy to break through in each big realm, but with the help of pills, the probability of breaking through is [-]% to [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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