Chapter 40 Cunning as a Fox
Both his own sisters cheated him, and he and Yun Chuxin were just brothers and sisters from the same school. With their rotten relationship, she might cheat her one day.

Thinking of her opening her mouth without blinking her eyes, Qiao Zhenfei's back went numb. He glanced at Yun Chuxin indifferently and said, "Junior Sister, let's just leave here. You go to find your Fufeng people, and I will go too." For those who are looking for our Jianfeng, Master has given me a task, and I have to complete it."

After speaking, disregarding Yun Chuxin's bewilderment, he used the light body technique with his feet, and disappeared from Yun Chuxin's sight after a few ups and downs.

Before Yun Chuxin could react, she stared blankly at Qiao Zhenfei who was leaving, she didn't know how she offended him, and just left her here alone.

Yun Chuxin stomped her feet in anger, and shouted in the direction where Qiao Zhenfei disappeared: "Qiao Zhenfei, don't beg me in the future."


Her voice startled the monsters in the distance.


Yun Chuxin turned pale with fright, and sensed several powerful monsters running towards her, which frightened her, so she used her lightness technique and ran desperately with a sad face.

"Uncle, what are you running?"

As soon as he ran ten miles away, a group of people came in front of him.

Yun Chuxin took a closer look and found that he was Fu Feng's disciple.

"Huh, there are monsters coming from behind, you guys came just in time, I'll go with you."

Yun Chuxin let out a long breath, like grabbing a life-saving straw, and rushed into their team regardless of whether they wanted it or not.

This is a group of ten people, and the leader is a disciple under the elder's name named Xu Kun. He wanted to refuse, but seeing that Yun Chuxin had already rushed into their team, it was not easy to drive her away. Had to acquiesce.

However, there were two or three male disciples in the team with happy faces, and they wished that Yun Chuxin would accompany them.

That's the peak master's direct disciple, it's usually hard to see her, but now he's going with them.

Wait a while to perform well in front of her, maybe you can win the favor of the beautiful uncle, and you can always be by her side in the future.

With the protection of ten people, Yun Chuxin felt at ease, and followed them to the center of the secret realm. There was another opportunity there, and she had to go and get it.

There is no other way for the different fire, but the other can no longer be lost.

Of course, she would not tell these people, and she would automatically leave the team when she got there, and then act alone. As long as she got that opportunity, she would not be afraid of anyone in the secret realm.

The eleven Yuebaifeng walked away for a long time, and suddenly found that they didn't even know what the little beauty's elder sister looked like, they only knew her name and how to find her.

"Young master, why don't we do this, let's release the news, and if we know who is that person's sister, come and tell us, what does the young master think?"

One of the attendants told Yue Baifeng his idea.

Yue Baifeng touched his hairless chin and nodded, "Yeah, just do as Bai Yi said, by the way, release all the news that Yun Chuchu got the strange fire and longevity fruit."

"This? Doesn't the young master want the strange fire and longevity fruit?" Bai Yi didn't understand Yue Baifeng's approach. It didn't mean that it was taking advantage of others, and if they snatched the things, what else did they have to do.

"You're stupid."

Bai Yuefeng knocked on Bai Yi's brain.

"The little beauty is a direct disciple of the Wuhua Sect. Her elder sister is a vegetarian? Does she have any skills to get the strange fire and longevity fruit? Let's not talk about whether she is easy to mess with. We snatched things from her and we were known." We did it, and the old man didn't even pluck my skin.

It is estimated that there will be a confrontation between the two sects. Our Jianzong is not yet suitable for confronting Wuhuazong.Let the news out that there will always be someone who will trouble her, someone will always snatch things out of her hands, let's have a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind, can't we?

As long as you have an elm brain, learn from this young master. "

After Yue Baifeng finished speaking, he poked Bai Yi's forehead.

Bai Yi laughed twice, "Yes, our young master is wise."

Bai Yi completely convinced his young masters, their young masters usually look like fools, but when they deal with serious matters, they always look at them with admiration.

No one in the world can see that he looks so dull on the surface, but he is actually as cunning as a fox.

The suzerain is an old fox, where can the son he gave birth be sent to.

Dressing up like this every day is just blinding some people's eyes.

"Let's go."

After Bai Yuefeng saw that his followers sent the news, he waved to the ten people and led them towards the center of the secret realm.

The main purpose of their visit this time is for the opportunity in the middle of the secret realm.

I hope they can catch up, and don't let the people of the Beast Controlling Sect give them away. Let the Beast Controlling Sect be even more powerful, and they won't be shitting on their Sword Sect's heads in the future.

If they hadn't been teleported to the most remote place in the secret realm when they entered the secret realm, the 11 of them were still scattered and it took a long time to find them, otherwise they would have already reached the center of the secret realm.

"Stop, who among you is Yun Chuchu from Wuhuazong?"

A group of disciples from the Xiuxian family stopped a group of disciples wearing Wuhua Zongfu.

The disciples of Wu Huazong saw that the other party was half as many as them, and all of them looked ugly. They all shook their heads.

"No? I believe you ghosts, since you don't admit it, then you won't be able to stay."

This group of people belonged to the largest cultivating family in Lingyun Continent, the Huang family.

The leader is Huang Yun, the great-grandson of the ancestor of the Huang family. His purpose of entering the secret realm is to prolong life.

As soon as he heard that Yun Chuchu of Wuhuazong had longevity fruit, he gathered all the family disciples to look for Yun Chuchu.

As long as he meets people from the Wuhua sect, he will kill anyone he sees.

What if the longevity fruit is obtained from the disciples of the Wuhua Sect?


Huang Yun roared, waved at the disciples behind him, and took the lead in attacking the disciples of the Wuhua Sect with the magic weapon. Seeing this, the others also attacked and left.

The disciples of the Wuhua Sect were not to be outdone, they had been on guard for a long time, and they took out magic weapons to resist, some threw talismans, some summoned contracted beasts, and the two gangs fought inextricably in an instant.

When the six of Yun Chuchu heard the news and arrived, they saw such a scene. Both groups of people were killed and injured, and the scene was extremely embarrassing and tragic.

Huang Yun saw six more people wearing uniforms of Wuhuazong disciples approaching, he made a gesture, and all the disciples of the Huang family stopped and exited the battlefield, becoming vigilant.

Once these six people join, the Huang family may not be able to fight, so Huang Yun stopped fighting.

The disciples of Wuhuazong also took the opportunity to jump out of the battlefield and came to the side of the six.

"Which of you is Yun Chuchu?" Huang Yun pointed to Yun Chuchu and asked.

Yun Chuchu frowned, she didn't kill people to seize treasures in the secret realm, what did this person ask her for?
Digging his ancestral grave?

The matter was not clear, of course she would not stand up and admit it, she just asked Huang Yun: "What are you looking for Yun Chuchu?"

(End of this chapter)

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