Chapter 41 Battle

Huang Yun said impatiently: "Stop talking so much nonsense, just say, are you Yun Chuchu?"

Yun Chuchu didn't answer him, but looked at Wuhua's disciple who came to them and asked, "Why are you fighting?"

Yun Chuchu doesn't often walk around the sect, and there are very few people who know her, so these people don't know her.

Brother Su and the other five don't know what's going on, and they certainly won't say anything.

One of Wuhuazong's disciples said angrily: "He also asked if there was Yun Chuchu among us, and there was no Yun Chuchu among us. We told them, but they didn't care, they started fighting around us."

Yun Chuchu nodded: "Oh, so that's the case, then you all go to heal your wounds, and leave it to us here."

Yun Chuchu looked at Huang Yun and asked again: "Tell me what you want to see Yun Chuchu, maybe I will tell her where it is."

Huang Yun looked at the six people of Yun Chuchu. Except for the female cultivator who spoke, the other five were practicing Qi Dzogchen, and there were only three Dzogchen Qi practitioners on their side.

He weighed it in his heart and said: "It's okay to tell you, it's spread in the secret realm, that Yun Chuchu got the strange fire and longevity fruit, I don't want her strange fire, just her longevity fruit. If the fairy knows where she is, I will definitely thank the fairy when I get the longevity fruit."

Yun Chuchu raised her eyebrows, it was because of this that she was looking for her.

Who passed it on in the secret realm?

Only the six of them knew about her obtaining the Strange Fire and the Longevity Fruit, and Qiao Zhenfei and Yun Chuxin.

At the same time, Qiao Zhenfei was the only one who knew that she had both. Senior Brother Su and the other five had been with her all the time, so it was impossible for them to spread the word.

That was Yun Chuxin.

Why does this person have such a bad mind? If she can't get it, she will be ruined.

Yun Chuchu was so angry that she was dying.

Brother Su and the other five gritted their teeth angrily. They never thought that Yun Chuxin would be so despicable and shameless. If he didn't get it, he would release the news and let others attack his junior sister.

There are at least 10 people in the secret realm. Isn't this killing the junior sister?

Senior Brother Su wanted to stand up, but was pulled back by Yun Chuchu: "Senior Brother Su, don't move, they still have more than 20 people, we only have six people, they are still healing, I don't want you to make unnecessary sacrifices. "

This is something she provoked, and she will solve it.

Cultivator fighting is not like ordinary people fighting, there must be casualties, whether others die or not has nothing to do with her, the disciples of the Wuhua Sect cannot die because of her.

She has only one life, and as a person who traveled from a legal society, she cherishes life very much.

In her bones, she also likes a peaceful world, the kind without war and gunpowder.

But this is a world of cultivating immortals, a world where strength is respected, and a world where life is regarded as ants, and it is like destroying the world with a single strike. She still hopes that there will be no bloodshed and sacrifice.

Although this idea is impractical, it is not necessary.

"Junior Sister, don't be afraid. Senior Brother is here to protect you." Senior Brother Su thought that Yun Chuchu was afraid. Looking at those shameless people, he wished to kill them with a few swords, but he came to rob so openly.

It also depends on whether the sword in his hand agrees, let them taste the sword in their own hands.

It just so happens that there are so many of them, so let him be a human target.

"Junior Sister, don't be afraid, at worst, let's fight." Zhang Xiao took a step forward at this moment, patted his chest and said.

Senior Brother Zhang also came over: "Junior Sister, don't be afraid of them. Senior Brother, I don't have much else, I just have a lot of talismans. I can't blow them to death. If you dare to bully us."

"Yes, Junior Sister, don't be afraid of them. If they come, we will kill one, and if they come, we will kill the other. Whoever of them can snatch things from us." Wu Lin also said proudly.

Jiang Nan was not to be outdone: "Senior sister, senior sister, I can't make alchemy, but the sword in my hand is not a vegetarian."

Yun Chuchu looked at the five people, and really didn't know what to say, seeing them like this, they were all fighting mad.

He also wanted five people to fight against more than 20 other people. Yun Chuchu had no choice but to give them a thumbs up for their courage.

Forget it, look at all of them with high fighting spirit, and it's all because of her, so if you want to fight, fight, you may not lose.

A monk can only die standing up, there is no reason to live while kneeling.

She still wanted to take out a longevity fruit and let it go, but after thinking about it, if she knew that she would give the longevity fruit directly, they would all come to her for it, and she was born to give it.

Anyway, after avoiding this one, there are countless more.

Then use these people to make an example of others, and it will deter some people to some extent.

She nodded and said, "Then let's fight."

Then she turned to Huang Yun and said, "I am the Yun Chuchu you are talking about. If you want something from me, you can trade it with your life."

"Fight!" The six shouted at the same time.

The battle is imminent.

Senior Brother Su took the lead in rushing towards Huang's disciple with the flying sword in hand. Seeing his excitement, Yun Chuchu felt that every cell in him was clamoring.

Sure enough, Jianxiu is a combat lunatic.

Then there is Senior Brother Zhang, you rushed over holding a handful of talismans, raised your hand, and the explosion sound of "Boom Boom Boom" rang out among Brother Huang, followed by several screams.

"Ah, my arms are crazy, they are all crazy, why do they use talismans like this." A disciple of the Huang family cried loudly after being bombed, and he threw away talismans one by one.

As for Jiangnan, she also rushed into the battlefield with a flying sword, the sword dazzled Yun Chuchu's eyes.

In a short while, one person was killed by her sword.

Zhang You had summoned two contract beasts a long time ago, jumped on one's back and flew into the battle circle.

Wu Lin is best at formations, but her swordsmanship is also good. Now that the scene is chaotic and the battle scene is too big, it is difficult to use formations. She said "be careful" to Yun Chuchu and rushed into the fighting arena with her sword.

The battle here just started, and some of the Wuhuazong disciples who were healed over there were not seriously injured. After taking the healing elixir, they only meditated for a while, and then joined the battle with magic weapons.

It's shameful to see them.

Only Yun Chuchu and the severely punished disciples of Wuhuazong did not join the battle, but how could Yun Chuchu stand by and watch, she aimed at one person and attacked him in the sea of ​​consciousness.


The disciple of the Huang family who was fighting suddenly fell to the ground, holding his head and screaming.

"Come again, if you still have the strength to call."

Yun Chuchu hit the man's sea of ​​consciousness again, and then the man took the box lunch completely.

"It turns out that killing people is so simple."

This was Yun Chuchu's first time killing people, and it felt similar to attacking a monster.


Suddenly a huge fireball hit her, Yun Chuchu noticed it, she waved her hand, the strange fire in her body rushed out, facing the fireball, the two collided, and exploded five feet above the ground, instantly shattering the fireball. The ground below blasted a large hole.

Yunchuchu was also sent flying, and the people on both sides fighting nearby were injured to varying degrees.

(End of this chapter)

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