Chapter 56 Little Phoenix Wakes Up

Cultivation skills, as well as that sword technique, and the Thunder Sword used by Lei Lingzi.

These are the things that Lei Lingzi used back then. Since he 'ascended', these things naturally follow him, and Lingyun Continent has never appeared again.

Although Yuan Chen didn't know Lei Lingzi, he could still recognize the top-grade spirit tool Thunder Sword he used.

This is indeed the legendary top-grade spiritual weapon Thunderbolt Sword. The Thunderbolt Sword is Lei Lingzi's natal magic weapon, and there is only Qiao Zhenfei's aura on it. This means that the ascension channel has really been destroyed, and Lei Lingzi has really fallen.

Yuan Chen fell into deep thought.

"By the way, the ancestor, not only the disciples in the clan have obtained the inheritance, but the junior sister Yun Chuxin of Fufeng probably also got it. The ancestor can ask her about it."

Qiao Zhenhui looked at Yuan Chen silently for a long time, thinking that he didn't believe it, and then suddenly thought of Yun Chuxin's change, did he become what he is now because of the inheritance left by the great power of Huashen?

At that time, he didn't think of going there at all. Now that he thinks about it, it is very possible that they fell at the same time, but they were inherited in different places.

He had selfish intentions in asking the ancestor to bring Yun Chuxin here. She had changed so much that he couldn't believe it was the same person. When he came to the ancestor, if he was taken away, the ancestor would be able to detect it. owned.

If not, it would be great.


Yuan Chen glanced at Wuhen.

Wuhen immediately understood Yuan Chen's meaning, and immediately went out of the secret place to Fufeng, bringing Yun Chuxin along.

Yun Chuxin was taken away inexplicably, not knowing what happened, she felt uneasy.

When he arrived, he saw that Qiao Zhenfei was also here, obediently standing by his side.

"Yun Chuxin, whose inheritance did you get in the secret realm?" Yuan Chen asked directly.

Yun Chuxin opened her mouth and glanced at Qiao Zhenfei, did the ancestor want them to hand over the chance they had obtained?

"Junior Sister, Grandmaster needs to know something, you can rest assured." Qiao Zhenfei saw Yun Chuxin's worry, and hurriedly explained.


Yun Chuxin didn't dare to hide it, and said that she had obtained the inheritance of Bing Lingzi.

"Are you sure you got the inheritance from Bing Lingzi?" Yuan Chen asked again.

"The disciple is not sure who that person is. There is only one corpse left of that person, but he holds the Bingling Sword in his hand, and there are exercises and sword techniques in the storage ring."

Yun Chuxin felt the coercion of the ancestor who was not angry and self-imposing, and answered very honestly, she did not dare to hide it in front of Lord Huashen.

If she doesn't say it, the ancestor has a way to make her say it.

I believe that the ancestor will not covet her things.

It's useless for them to take it, those are all special things for Bing Linggen.

"Then you take it out and let my ancestor have a look."

Yun Chuxin nodded, and took out what she got to show Yuanchen.

When Yuan Chen saw that thing, he confirmed that it was indeed used by Bing Lingzi. Like Lei Lingzi, there was only Yun Chuxin's aura on the Bingling Sword.

"Wuhen, take them back." Yuan Chen finished watching, stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back for a while, and then waved for Wuhen to take Qiao Zhenfei and the others out.

Both Qiao Zhenfei and Yun Chuxin breathed a sigh of relief, especially Qiao Zhenfei, the patriarch didn't react when he saw Yun Chuxin, so it seemed that Yun Chuxin was Yun Chuxin.

Qiao Zhenfei and the two went out of the secret place with Wuhen, and after Wuhen sent the two back, he went to Wuwei and told them everything, making sure that the matter was almost inseparable.

Yun Chuchu didn't know what happened, and was going to retreat after going back, but Jiang Nan came to look for her.

The cave where Jiangnan lives is still some distance away from her. She lives on another mountain peak, where all the inner disciples of Spirit Medicine Peak live.

And the mountain where Yun Chuchu lives is the main peak of the Spirit Medicine Peak, and there are only Master Wuji, the Four Great Elders, their disciples, and her in the peak.

Jiang Nan cut to the chase: "Do you have any time, Junior Sister?"

"Senior sister, what's the matter?"

"There is one thing I want to ask my junior sister to come with me to the ordinary world."

Lingyun Continent still has the mortal world, which is separated from the world of cultivating immortals.

Jiangnan is a royal princess of Dafeng Kingdom in the ordinary world. Some strange things happened to a royal disciple, and the emperor spread the news to Jiangnan.

It stands to reason that if something happened in the common world and monks needed to come forward to solve it, it would not be troublesome to Wuhuazong, but to find the affiliated sect of Wuhuazong. If they couldn't solve the matter, they would report it to Wuhuazong.

But there is a princess in Dafeng State who is in Wuhuazong, and she sent the news directly to Jiangnan.

After Jiangnan received the news, it was just that this was not part of the mission of the sect, so she could only go privately to find her brothers and sisters from the same sect to go with her.

After Jiang Nan told Yun Chuchu what she meant, Yun Chuchu thought about going for a walk to increase her experience, and said, "Yes, then when shall we leave?"

She's ready to go.

Jiang Nan said gratefully: "Let's prepare today and leave tomorrow. I have to go to Senior Brother Su and ask them to go with us. There are more people and more strength, so it will be easier to handle things."

The key is that each of the six of them knows different skills in cultivating immortals, and maybe they will be able to use one of them at that time.

It's called being prepared.

"Okay." Yun Chuchu was more happy with senior brother Su and the others.

After Jiangnan left, Yun Chuchu opened the formation in his cave, and stepped into the space.

After entering the space, she was dumbfounded.

The elixir field was in a mess, Flying Tiger Beast and Little Phoenix stared at each other, seeing their posture, they had just had a fight, and there was no winner yet.

Seeing Yun Chuchu coming in, the Flying Tiger Beast immediately flew to Yun Chuchu's side, rubbed against her body, and said through sound transmission with its spiritual sense: "Master, this rotten bird bullied me, you see it ruined our elixir .”

Yun Chuchu glanced at it: "Didn't you damage one?"

Flying Tiger lowered its head and remained silent.

Yun Chuchu glanced around and saw that the jasmine fruit trees were still in good condition. She glanced at both of them and said, "Huniu, go and plant all the elixir that hasn't broken down, and plant the ones that are free immediately. And the two of you You are not allowed to fight here in the future, if you fight again, I will drive you both out."

The elixir is all spirit stones, which makes Yun Chuchu feel distressed.

"Why did you make a contract with me?" Just as Yun Chuchu finished speaking, Little Phoenix flew over and stood in front of her and asked arrogantly.

Ever since Yun Chuchu came in, Little Phoenix looked at her very unfriendlyly.

"The contract with you was purely an accident. Do you still remember who took you away?"

Yun Chuchu didn't want to sever the relationship with Xiaofenghuang. If the two of them could get along peacefully, Xiaofenghuang would be her great help.

The destructive power of the divine beast phoenix is ​​not boasted, and of course the combat effectiveness of fighting is not superficial either. In the book, Yun Chuxin used the little phoenix to fight against all opponents in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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